
In memoriam Monique Pelletier (1934-2020)

Through apost by Catherine Hofmann on the blog Cartes et figures du monde we learned about the recent disappearance of Monique Pelletier, who was director of the département des Cartes et plans of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. For a biographical review you can check their entry in wikipedia. As a legacy he leaves us an enormous research work, especially focused […]

Exhibition about the origins and representation of the spherical world model

The Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF) offers an exhibition about Le monde en Spheres, a travel from ancient origins of cosmological and astronomical model of concentric spheres until being a familiar object right now. The narrative goes through the reception and evolution of theories and representations in the medieval period, from Arab world as well as Cristian conception. Finally, […]