Mechanocaloric refrigerators based on natural rubber (RUBCOOL)

Refrigeration is key to our modern lifestyle. It is used in both domestic and industrial applications, from food and medicine preservation and data centre cooling to transport and building cooling.

Around 80% of refrigerators make use of the vapour compression cycle (VCC), account for 15% of global electricity consumption and account for 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

Replacing these harmful refrigerants could reduce greenhouse emissions by 3%, with a direct positive impact on the environment.

The problem of keeping our planet cool without increasing greenhouse emissions is an extraordinary challenge.

While low GWP gases such as classical ammonia, carbon dioxide or newly synthesised hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) are already in use, they pose an urgent need to develop new environmentally friendly materials and technologies because of new problems such as flammability, toxicity or high operating pressures.

The caloric effects that occur in solids are considered to be among the most promising green alternatives. The challenge involves the search for materials with phase transitions involving large latent heat for giant (and colossal) heat effects.

The caloric properties of rubber have been known for many years. Contrary to most caloric materials, rubber is deformable with small forces, cheap and can be bio-based. It could simultaneously solve some of the major engineering and sustainability problems of artificial cooling.

Given the urgency imposed by climate change, efforts need to be stepped up to develop a proof of concept to turn the promised performance into reality in more environmentally friendly cooling applications.

The aim of the TED RUBCOOL project is to design and build two prototypes based on elasto-caloric (EC) and barocaloric (BC) effects and to optimise the performance of rubber as a refrigerant.

TED RUBCOOL is a coordinated project between two research groups of the UPC and one of the UB:

The overall objective of the project is to make important steps towards the development of alternative technologies to the vapour compression cycle, which are more efficient and avoid the use of high GWP fluids.

The aim is to design and build devices for cooling from ambient temperature based on the barocaloric and elastocaloric effect using natural rubber or derivatives as solid state refrigerants.

The objective of the Functional Materials and Phase Transitions research group is the design and construction of the rubber-based EC prototype.
The achievement of this project is key towards the replacement of technologies used in billions of devices worldwide that contribute significantly to global greenhouse emissions.

The potential societal impact of this project encompasses benefits ranging from health to well-being at the individual level, as well as the preservation of societies and ecosystems.

Improved long-term access to efficient cooling, and improved quality of life.

Great potential for improved energy saving measures.

Economic accessibility favoured by low raw material prices.

If you are interested in learning more about TED RUBCOOL project, please send an email to

Project team

Eduard Vives Santa-Eulalia

Eduard Vives Santa-Eulalia

Principal Investigator (PI) / Coordinator

Lluis Mañosa Carrera

Lluis Mañosa Carrera

Principal Investigator (PI) / Coordinator

Antoni Planes Vila

Antoni Planes Vila


Enric Stern Taulats

Enric Stern Taulats


Work team

Eduardo Mendive Tapia

Eduardo Mendive Tapia

Work team

Marcel Porta Tena

Marcel Porta Tena

Work team

Featured publications

Nicolas Candau, Adele Zimmy, Eduard Vives, Maria Lluïsa Maspoch
Elastocaloric Waste/Natural Rubber Materials with Various Crosslink Densities
Polymers 15, 2566 (2023)

Nicolas Candau, Eduard Vives, Ana Inés Fernández, Oguzhan Oguz, Guillaume Corvec, Carlos Eloy Federico, João Paulo Cosas Fernandes, Gregory Stoclet, Maria Lluïsa Maspoch.
Observation of heterogeneities in elastocaloric natural/wastes rubber composites.
Express Polymer Letters 16, 1331–1347 (2022)

Nicolas Candau, Eduard Vives, Ana Inés Fernández, Maria Lluïsa Maspoch.
Elastocaloric effect in vulcanized natural rubber and natural/wastes rubber blends.
Polymer 236, 124309 (2021)

In this project, the research group counts, in addition to its research laboratory, with the Scientific and Technical Centers of the UB (CCiTUB) and with the support of the Bosch and Gimpera Foundation (FBG), the Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation of the University of Barcelona.
With the support of:
Project TED2021-129952B-C32 financed by: