Over the last few years, I have been involved in the teaching of the following courses:

Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics:

Condensed Matter

Physics of Continuous Media

  • An undergraduate course for students on their third year at the School of Physics, Universitat de Barcelona. This is a new EEES course that offers an introduction to classical elasticity theory and its applications, as well as to real fluid dymamics.
  • Follow the link for further information about this course on the Physics of Continuous Media.

Statistical Physics

  • An undergraduate course for students on their third year at the School of Physics, Universitat de Barcelona. This is a new EEES course that offers an introduction to the statistical behavior of ideal many body systems in equilibrium conditions. It includes the study of classical and quantum systems and several applications.
  • Follow the link for further information about this course on elementary Statistical Physics.

Collective Phenomena and Phase Transitions

  • An undergraduate course for students on their fourth year at the School of Physics, Universitat de Barcelona. This is a new EEES course that offers an introduction to the statiscal mechanics of interacting many body systems.
  • Follow the link for further information about this course on Collective Phenomena and Phase Transitions.

Supervision of Final Master Projects

Paula Sierra VarelaCollective behavior of topological defects in out-of-equilibrium conditionsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2024. Co-supervisor: Hossein Gorji.

Anna Monclús i Rojo, Investigating and modeling collective motion in fish schoolsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2024. Co-supervisor: Romualdo Pastor-Satorras.

Elena García de Lamo, Modeling and simulations of pedestrian dynamicsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2023.

Clara Colet Díaz, Noise induced phenomena in ecological models, Master in Physics of Complex Systems and Biophysics, 2022.

David March PonsCollective decission making: from nest site selection in honeybee swarms to kilobot ensemblesMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2021.

Jordi Torrents MonegalCollective motion, Levy flights and synchronization phenomena in schooling fishMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2020.

Albert Llamas CanoCooperative phenomena and leadership strategies in the dynamics of social animalsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2018.

Gian FahleFlow focusing droplet microfluidics adapted to monodisperse active emulsionsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2017. Co-advisors: Jordi Ignés-Mullol; Francesc Sagués.

Javier Cristín RedondoCollective motion and avalanche behavior in animal groupsMaster in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2016. Co-supervisor: Romualdo Pastor-Satorras.

Marc Grau LeguíaSynchronization and dynamic transition in periodic reaction diffusion processes on complex topologies, Master in Advanced Physics, 2013.

Rubén Olavo Vieira RochaMechanical properties of biopolymeric networks, Master in Computational and Applied Physics, 2009.

Adrián Macía, Desorden y defectos topológicos en la red de vórtices de un superconductor, Master in Computational and Applied Physics, 2008.

Supervision of Final BSD Projects

Pol Morales MartíContinuous percolation in the infrared communication network of a kilobot swarm, 2023.

Adrià Garcés Ortiz, An evolutionary theory model using Lotka-Volterra equations, 2022.

Martín de Muniategui Climente, On model selection and statistical criticality, 2022.

Marçal Taberner Cortell, Coexistence of species in complex ecological communities, 2021.

Cristina Sastre Jachimska, Dynamics of emerging functional shifts in cooperative systems, 2021. Advisors: Josep Sardanyés & M. Carmen Miguel López.

Renzo Bruera, Effects of heterogeneity in the consensus decision-making of a honeybee nest-site selection model, 2020.

Gonzalo Guarner Bañares, Predicting complex community dynamics from computer-generated simulations2020.

Narcís Font Massot, Collective decision-making in an agent-based model: Nest site choice by honeybees swarms, 2020.

Lluís Rayo LleixàDynamic cascades on the collective behavior of herd animals, 2019.

Carlos Viché Montahud, The critical point of the majority-vote model with noise, 2019.

Oriol Falip García, Cooperative dynamics of active heterogeneous systems, 2018.

Ismael Gallego CóceraTopological defects in spherical crystals, 2018.

Marc Masip AltimirasCollective phenomena in social animal dynamics, 2017. 

Ignasi Vilarasau Antolín, Collective phenomena in social animals, 2017.

Jack Thomas Parley, Effects of social interactions in collective motion, 2016Advisors: Romualdo Pastor-Satorras & M. Carmen Miguel López.

Pol Bonet Vaquer, Collective phenomena in the dynamics of predator-prey models on complex networks, 2016.

Laura Román i Canal, Mechanical properties of a two-filament bundle, 2016.

Albert Constans BadosaPercolation: Algorithm and universality classes, 2016.

Berta Bosch Vidal, A model to study mechanical and equilibrium properties of biopolymeric networks through a statistical approach, 2015.

Javier Cristín RedondoA model for the transmission of contact forces in granular piles, 2015.

Elisenda Ortíz Castillo, Disorder-Induced Critical Phenomena in the 2D Random Field Ising Model, 2014.

Marc Grau LeguíaDirected percolation universality class in self-organized critical systems, 2013.

Supervision of DEA Projects

Ferran Macià (2006)

Isabel Corominas i Santaulària (2006)

Marta Jordi Taltavull (2006)

Mª Angels Vallvé Antón (2006)

Pau Cervera i Badia (2005)

Alberto Hernández Mínguez (2005)

Xavier Moya Raposo (2005)