PhD position

Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD position associated to the project
Non-equilibrium statistical physics of dense systems of active and chiral particles
at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics and the Institute of Complex Systems of the University of Barcelona.
The position is funded by the Spanish Agency for Research (AEI, FPI call) for 4 years, with extra funds to cover research stays and participation to conferences. The project is part of a consortium with experimental and theoretical groups at Universidad Complutense of Madrid (F. Martinez-Pedredro and C. Valeriani).

The aim of the project is to understand:
i) the nature of the different phases of chiral active and actuated colloidal matter, their flow and material properties as well as their structure formation mechanisms;
ii) the emergence of collective dynamics in chiral systems at high densities, addressing the question of how the properties of solids (both ordered and disordered) are affected by non equilibrium fluctuations.
We will study the statistical mechanics of simple model systems, from which we can provide some analytical predictions, performing a thorough analysis using particle-based simulations. We will also combine such theoretical analysis with experiments on magnetic colloids at liquid-liquid interfaces (in Madrid) and collectives of robots (in Barcelona).

Candidates must hold (or about to) a Master’s degree in Physics or a related discipline, have some experience in theoretical/numerical modelling of condensed matter systems and a background in statistical mechanics.

Interested candidates should contact me as soon as possible at and

  • A cover letter (max. 200 words).
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Contact details of at least one reference. (no need of reference letter at this stage)
  • Bachelor and Master’s degree (and transcript, needed for the formal online application)

Applications should be made online here by 2 October 2023. (more details about the call here in Spanish).

Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Online application will require:
– Academic certificate, with qualifications and number of credits of each subject.
– The transcript of the studies carried in institutions outside Spain should be ‘translated’ into the Spanish evaluation system by filling this form.
– A CV in the following format.