Elsa Tragant



  Tragant Elsa  

Elsa Tragant is a senior lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Barcelona. She lectures on English language teaching at the undergraduate level and on research methods in SLA at the master’s level. She is interested in the topics of classroom research, motivation, reading while listening and intensive exposure ‘at home’ and abroad.
She is a member of the GRAL research group coordinated by Carme Muñoz (SGR2014SGR1089). At present she is the coordinator of a national research project (FFI2013-40952-P) titled ‘Multimodality and comprehension: the effects of an L2 reading-while-listening program. She has also conducted research financed by the RecerCaixa program and done some consultancy work for several local schools.
Recent publications include ‘L1 reading factors in extensive L2 reading instruction’ by Grañena, Muñoz and Tragant (System, 2015), ‘Maximizing young learners’ input: an intervention program’ by Tragant, Muñoz and Spada (Canadian Modern Language Review, in press), ‘Vocabulary learning at primary school: a comparison of EFL and CLIL’ by Tragant, Marsol, Serrano and Llanes (International Journal of Bilingual education and Bilingualism, 2015) and ‘Summer English courses abroad
versus ‘at home’ by Serrano, Tragant and Llanes (ELT Journal, 2014).






Elsa Tragant Mestres, és professora titular d’universitat de la Universitat de Barcelona, i és membre el Grup de recerca en Adquisició de Llengües GRAL (SGR2014SGR1089). Té tres trams de recerca. Ens els darrers deu anys ha publicat 12 articles en revistes internacionals indexades segons JCR. Ha dirigit 1 tesi doctoral. Actualment coordina el Projecte ‘Multimodalidad y Comprensión…’  en el marc del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016.

