Vacances d’estiu: L’Oficina de Relacions Internacionals romandrà tancada durant el mes d’agost.
En cas que t’hagis posat en contacte amb nosaltres via correu electrònic, moltes gràcies per contactar-nos! Hem rebut el teu correu, i l’Oficina de Relacions Internacionals et contestarà tan aviat com sigui possible. Habitualment, donem resposta en 2-5 dies laborals, excepte en el període de vacances d’estiu o de Nadal. No cal que ens tornis a enviar el teu missatge. A la nostra tornada, processarem els missatges entrants en ordre cronològic.
Si us plau, consulta la següent informació, que et pot ajudar mentrestant a resoldre els dubtes que puguis tenir:
- Estudiants Outgoing:
- Estudiants sortints 2021-22: Espai dels Outgoing i Vídeo informatiu
- Estudiants interessats en realitzar una mobilitat: Pàgina web i Vídeo informatiu
- Estudiants Incoming: International exchange students webpage & Information for 2021-22 prospective exchange students.
- Information for partner universities: We will resume the process of renovation of our agreements in September!
Moltes gràcies!
Us desitjem a tots molt bones vacances d’estiu!
Summer break: the International Relations Office will be closed during the month of August.
In case you have contacted us via email, we are delighted that you are interested in our institution Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. We have received your email. Feel confident that an International Relations Office member will answer you as soon as possible. Generally, we strive to answer your email within 2-5 weekdays, except during the summer or winter break. You do not need to send your message again. Once we are back, we will process incoming messages in chronological order.
In the meantime, please check the following information, that may help to solve your doubts:
- Information for partner universities: We will resume the process of renovation of our agreements in September!
- Incoming students: International exchange students webpage & Information for 2021-22 prospective exchange students.
- Outgoing students:
- Estudiants sortints 2021-22: Espai dels Outgoing i Vídeo informatiu
- Estudiants interessats en realitzar una mobilitat: Pàgina web i Vídeo informatiu
Thanks again!
We would like to wish you all a great and pleasant summer!