Aquesta informació està en anglès pels estudiants d’intercanvi internacionals, si ets un estudiant local, vés directament a l’aplicatiu de cita prèvia, clicant a “click here”. Recorda que pels estudiants locals l’atenció al públic de tardes és el dijous de 16.00 a 18.00.

Due to the current situation, in case you are interested in coming ot our office, it is mandatory to book an appointment according to the IRO openning hours:


  • Monday to Friday, from 9:30h to 13:30h


  • Incoming: Tuesday, from 16.00 to 18.00
  • Outgoing: Thursday, from 16.00 to 18.00

To access the appointment application click here.

You will notice that the application is in Catalan. However, it is a very easy process and below you can find the few steps you have to complete in order to book an appointment translated into English.


  • If you successfully completed the check in and have received your enrolment document with your NIUB number: you have to select “Col·lectius UB”
  • If you have not yet completed the check in and are not offically enroled: You have to select “Altres”

Steps for “Col·lectius UB”:

Steps for “Altres”:

Pas1_Cita prèvia
Pas2_Cita prèvia