I am still working on this page. At some point I would like to add a link to an open access version of each paper (repository) listed below. Meanwhile, please, send me an email if you are interested in any of the articles.
Articles (published or accepted)
- E. Fontich, A. Garijo i X. Jarque. On the basin of attraction of a critical three-cycle of a model for the secant map, arXiv:2405.08791. (Accepted for publication in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2024). DOI
- E. Fontich, A. Garijo i X. Jarque. Chaotic dynamics at the boundary of a basin of attraction via non-transversal intersections for a non-global smooth diffeomorphism, J. Nonlinear Sci. 34, 102 (2024). DOI PDF
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Local connectivity of boundaries of tame Fatou components of meromorphic functions, (accepted to Mathematische Annalen, 2024) arXiv:2309.01152. PDF
- J. Canela, V. Evdoridou, A. Garijo, X. Jarque. On the basins of attraction of a one-dimensional family of root finding algorithms: from Newton to Traub, Math. Z., 303(55), 1-22, 2023. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque. Dynamics of the secand map near infinity. J. Difference Equ. Appl., 28(10), 1334-1347, 2023. DOI
- J. Canela, X. Jarque, D. A. Paraschiv. Achievable connectivities of Fatou components for a family of singular perturbations. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 42(9), 4237-4261, 2022. DOI
- L. Gardini, A. Garijo, X. Jarque. Topological properties of the immediate basins of attraction for the secant method. Mediterranean J. Math., 18, 221:1-27, 2021. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Fatou components and singularities of meromorphic functions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 150, 633-654, 2020. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque. The secant map applied to a real polynomial with multiple roots. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 40(12), 6783-6794, 2020. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Escaping points in the boundaries of Baker domains. J. Anal. Math., 137(2), 679-706, 2019. DOI
- V. Evdoridou, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, D. J. Sixsmith. Singularities of inner functions associated with hyperbolic maps. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 477, 536-550, 2019. DOI
- N. Fagella, X. Jarque, K. Lazebnik. Univalent wandering domains in the Eremenko-Lyubich class. J. Anal. Math., 2019. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque. Global dynamics of the real secant method. Nonlinearity, 32(11), 4557-4578, 2019. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Connectivity of Julia sets of Newton maps: a unified approach. Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 34(3), 1211-1228, 2018. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Accesses to infinity from Fatou components. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 369(3), 1835-1867, 2017. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque, J. Villadelprat. An effective algorithm to compute Mandelbrot sets in parameter planes. Numer. Algor., 76, 555-571, 2017. DOI
- B. Campos, A. Garijo, X. Jarque, P. Vindel. Newton’s method for symmetric quartic polynomials. Appl. Math. Comput., 290, 326-335, 2016. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. Absorbing sets and baker domains for holomorphic maps. J. London Math. Soc. (2), 92(1), 144-162, 2015. DOI
- N. Fagella, S. Godillon, X. Jarque. Wandering domains for composition of entire functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 429, 478-496, 2015. DOI
- K. Baranski, N. Fagella, X. Jarque, B. Karpinska. On the connectivity of Julia sets of meromorphic functions. Invent. Math., 198(3), 591-636, 2014. DOI
- B. Campos, A. Garijo, X. Jarque, P. Vindel. Newton’s method on Bring-Jerrard polynomials. Publ. Mat., Extra, 81-109, 2014. DOI
- R. L. Devaney, N. Fagella, A. Garijo, X. Jarque. Sierpinski curve Julia sets for quadratic rational maps. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 39, 3-22, 2014. DOI
- K. Baranski, X. Jarque, L. Rempe. Brushing the hairs of transcendental entire functions. Topology Appl., 159(8), 2102-2114, 2012. DOI
- F. Cilingir, X. Jarque. On Newton’s method applied to real polynomials. J. Difference Equ. Appl., 18(6), 1067-1076, 2012. DOI
- M. J. Álvarez, A. Ferragut, X. Jarque. A survey on the blow up technique. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Eng., 21(11), 3103-3118, 2011. DOI
- N. Fagella, X. Jarque, J. Taixés. On connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic maps and weakly repelling fixed points II. Fund. Math., 215, 177-202, 2011. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque, M. Moreno-Rocha. Non-landing hairs in Sierpinski curve Julia sets of transcendental entire maps. Fund. Math., 214, 135-160, 2011. DOI
- X. Jarque. On the connectivity of the escaping set for complex exponential misiurewicz parameters. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 139(6), 2057-2065, 2011. DOI
- A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque. A note on the period function for certain planar vector fields. J. Difference Equ. Appl., 16(5-6), 631-645, 2010. DOI
- A. Garijo, X. Jarque, M. Moreno-Rocha. Joining polynomial and exponential combinatorics for some entire maps. Publ. Mat., 54, 113-136, 2010. DOI
- N. Fagella, X. Jarque, J. Taixés. On connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic maps and weakly repelling fixed points I. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 97(3), 599-622, 2008. DOI
- A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque. Simultaneous bifurcation of limit cycles from two nests of periodic orbits. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 341, 813-824, 2008. DOI
- X. Jarque, J. Llibre, D. S. Shafer. Structurally stable quadratic foliations. Rocky Mountain J. Math., 38(2), 489-530, 2008. DOI
- M. A. Frutos, X. Jarque. Auctions with asymmetric common-values: the first-price format. J. Math. Econ., 43(07/08/09), 795-817, 2007. DOI
- A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque. Local and global phase portrait of equation z′=f(z). Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 17(2), 309-329, 2007. DOI
- C. Gutierrez, X. Jarque, J. Llibre, M. A. Teixeira. Global injectivity of C^1 maps of the real plane, inseparable leaves and the Palais-Smale condition. Canad. Math. Bull., 50(3), 377-389, 2007. DOI
- J. Caballe, X. Jarque, E. Michetti. Chaotic dynamics in credit constrained emerging economies. J. Econom. Dynam. Control, 30, 1261-1275, 2006. DOI
- A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque. On the period function for a family of complex differential equations. J. Differential Equations, 224(2), 314-331, 2006. DOI
- R. L. Devaney, X. Jarque, M. Moreno-Rocha. Indecomposable continua and misiurewicz points in exponential dynamics. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Eng., 15(10), 3281-3294, 2005. DOI
- X. Jarque, J. Llibre, D. S. Shafer. Structural stability of planar polynomial foliations. J. Dyn. Diff. Equat., 17(3), 573-587, 2005. DOI
- A. Garijo, A. Gasull, X. Jarque. Normal forms for singularities of one dimensional holomorphic vector fields. Electron. J. Differential Equations, 2004(122), 1-7, 2004. PDF
- X. Jarque, C. Ponsati, J. Sakovics. Mediation: incomplete information bargaining with filtered communication. J. Math. Econ., 39(7), 803-830, 2003. DOI
- M. A. Frutos, H. Hamoudi, X. Jarque. Spatial competition with concave transport costs. Reg. Sci. Urban Eco., 32(4), 531-540, 2002. DOI
- R. L. Devaney, N. Fagella, X. Jarque. Hyperbolic components of the complex exponential family. Fund. Math., 174(3), 193-215, 2002. PDF
- R. L. Devaney, X. Jarque. Indecomposable continua in exponential dynamics. Conform. Geom. Dyn., 6, 1-12, 2002. PDF
- X. Jarque, J. Villadelprat. On the period function of centers in planar polynomial Hamiltonian systems of degree four. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 3(1), 157-180, 2002. DOI
- X. Jarque, J. Villadelprat. Nonexistence of isochronous centers in planar polynomial Hamiltonian systems of degree four. J. Differential Equations, 180(2), 334-373, 2002. DOI
- X. Jarque, J. Llibre. Polynomial foliations in R^2. Pacific J. Math., 197(1), 53-72, 2001. PDF
- X. Jarque, Z. Nitecki. Hamiltonian stability in the plane. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 20(3), 775-799, 2000. DOI
- M. A. Frutos, H. Hamoudi, X. Jarque. Equilibrium existence in the circle model with linear quadratic transport cost. Reg. Sci. Urban Eco., 29, 605-615, 1999. DOI
- R. L. Devaney, X. Jarque. Misiurewicz points for complex exponentials. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg., 7(7), 1599-1615, 1997. DOI
- A. Guillamon, X. Jarque, J. Llibre, J. Ortega, J. Torregrosa. Periods for transversal maps via Lefschetz numbers for periodic points. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 347(12), 4779-4806, 1995. DOI
- X. Jarque, J. Llibre. Structural stability of planar Hamiltonian polynomial vector fields. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 68(3), 617-640, 1994. DOI
- N. Fagella, X. Jarque. Iteración compleja y fractales. Vicens Vives y ICE-UAB, 2007 (in spanish).
Others (proceedings, thesis, etc)
- X. Jarque. Planar vector fields: Hamiltonian systems, polynomial foliations and structural stability. PhD thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1995. ABSTRACT
- X. Jarque, J. Llibre. Global structural stability of planar Hamiltonian vector fields. In Hamiltonian dynamical systems (Cincinnati, OH, 1992), 171-180. Springer, New York, 1995.
- X. Jarque. Structural stability of vector fields in dimension two. Masters thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1992.