HOLODYN: A research team in holomorphic dynamics
The financial support of our group comes from different sources. Here we list our present financial support and some historical financed projects.
- PID2023-147252NB-I00 (AEI, Spanish Government). PI: Kostiantyn Drach and Núria Fagella. 2024-2027.
- AGAUR grant 2021 SGR 01072 (Generalitat de Catalunya). PI: Àngel Jorba (UB). 2022-.
- Maria de Maeztu unit of excellence grant held by the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. PI: Marcel Guàrdia. 2021-2024.
- A*Midex Foundation Grant n. AMX-22-IN1- 50. PI’s: Dierk Schleicher (Aix-Marseille University/France), Kostiantyn Drach and Núria Fagella. 2024-2029.
- CIGE/2023/102 (Generalitat Valenciana). PI: Jordi Canela. 2024-2025.
Recent past
- PID2020-118281GB (AEI, Spanish Government). Coordinated with other researchers of the GSD-UAB.) PI’s: Lluís Alsedà (PID2020-118281GB-C31), Núria Fagella (PID2020-118281GB-C32) and Jordi Villadelprat (PID2020-118281GB-C33). 2021-2024.
- MTM2017-86795-C3-2(3)-P (Spanish Government. Coordinated with other researchers of the GSD-UAB. PI’s Lluís Alsedà (MTM2017-86795-C3-1-P), Núria Fagella (MTM2017-86795-C3-2-P) and Jordi Villadelprat (MTM2017-86795-C3-3-P).
- MTM2014-52209-C2-2-P (Spanish Government). Coordinated with other researchers of the GSD-UAB. PI’s Núria Fagella (MTM2014-52209-C2-2-P) and Lluís Alsedà (MTM2014-52209-C1-2-P). Period: 2014-2017.
- HARMONIA DEC-2012/06/M/ST1/00168 (Polish NCN grant, in collaboration with K. Baranski and B. Karpinska). Period 2013-2016.
- SGR2014 555 (Catalan government) Period: 2011-2014
- Spanish node of CODY, a Research and training Network (MRTN-CT-2006-035651) coordinated by Sebastian Van Strien (loca PI: Núria Fagella). Period 2019-2013.