La differece of being woman

Research and Teaching of History

Area: Documents

LetterQueen María of Castile.

Textual Sources
Barcelona, City Historical Archive. Royal Letters.
Letter from the Queen María (Segovia 1401-Valencia, 1458) deputy of Catalonia in the absence of her husband, Alfonso IV the Magnanimous, to the counsellors of Barcelona where she announces to them the 6 month truce achieved in the war, which affects the kingdom of Aragon and that of her brother, Juan II of Castile.


We notify you that, between ourselves and the king of Castile, very dear brother of ours, we have made a pact to stop the war from today until all of the following month of April. This truce will be announced by my brother in all the places of his rule; and we too will do it, with regard to our rule and that of our Lord King. We believe with all our heart that those of Castile will be happy, and we think that you too will feel the same way.

God willing, we will return to Aragon very soon, passing through the town of Monzón, where we will convene the Parliament.

Done in the town of Soria, on XV day of November of the year M CCC XXXV (Autograph signature of the queen).


La Reyna /


Notificam-vos com entre nós e lo rey de Castella, nostre molt car e molt amat frare, és / estat atorgat e concordat sobresehiment de la guerra d’ací per tot lo mes d’abril primer vinent/. Lo qual sobresehiment lo dit nostre frare manarà publicar e cridar per los lochs de sa / senyoria, e nós axí mateix ho manarem fer per tota la senyoria del senyor Rey e nostra. / De la qual cosa havem sentiment que tots los de Castella han haut plaer e axí mateix / creem que·l ne haureu vosaltres.

E dins pochs dies, entenem Déu volent, partir d’ací per / tornar en Aragó e fer la via de Monçó per celebrar la Cort allí convocada.

Dada en / la ciutat de Sòria, a XV dies de noembre de l’any M CCCC XXXV (Signatura autògrafa de la reina).

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