La differece of being woman

Research and Teaching of History

Area: Documents

Royal Privilege given to sor Sança by the King Joan IBernardo de Jonqueiro.

Catalogue number
Archive of the Crown of Aragon. Reg. 1964, f. 60r. 1393, 3, 13. Valencia.
At the behest of sor Sança, of the Third Rule of St Francis, King Joan I grants her the licence so that she may bury, or have buried, in a sacred place the remains of the executed hung at the gallows, within the limits of the city of Barcelona.

Joan... to the esteemed noblemen and faithful our governor of Catalonia, chief magistrate and mayor of Barcelona and other officials and dependents of ours of the town of Barcelona and to each one of those present that it concerns and the things written down that correspond to them in some way. Health and affection.

We out of reverence for our Lord God and at the behest of the faithful woman of our house sor Sança of the Third Rule of Saint Francis, in accordance with the present we have granted licence to sor Sança so that she might bury, or have buried, in a sacred place, without incurring any penalty, all those bodies or bones that will fall from the gallows made within the limits of the said town, at which, through their errors, they will have been hung; but the gallows will not be covered over nor closed. To each and every one of you we say and we order, under penalty of incurring our anger and indignation, that the said sor Sança, or who she might designate in her place, will be able to bury the bodies or bones of the said hung people who have fallen or may fall in the future from the gallows; do not put any impediment, but rather have this concession in mind and observe it, and do not contravene it for any reason if you wish to avoid the above mentioned penalty.

Ordered in Valencia under our secret stamp the 13th March 1343.

The Lord King sends it to me Bernardo de Jonqueiro.


En Johan ... als nobles amats e feels nostres los governador de Cathalunya veguer et batlle de Barchinona altres officials et sotmeses nostres de la ciutat de Barchinona et a cascun d.elles als quals les presents pervendran et les coses davall escrits se pertanyen en qualsevulla manera salut et dileccio.

Com nos per reverencia de Nostre Senyor Deu et a suplicacio de la feel de casa nostra sor Sança de la Terça Regla de Sent Francesch per tenor de la present haian atorgada licencia a la dita sor Sança que ella puxa soterrar o fer soterrar en loch sagrat sens incorriment de alguna pena tots aquells cossors o ossors de aquells los quals frau cessant cauran de les forques fetes dins lo terme de la dita ciutat et en les quals per lurs demerits seran stats pemjats les quals forques empero no sien tapiades ni closes. A vodaltres et cascun de vos dehim et manam sots incorriment de la nostra ira et indignació que a la dita sor Sança o a qui ella volra en loch seu en soterrar los dits cosors o osors dels dits pemjats qui cauts son o d.aquí avant cauran de les dites forques empatxament algun no façats ans la present nostra concessio tingats fermament et obserbets et no y contravingats per alcuna raho si la pena dessus dita cobeiats esquivar.

Dada en Valencia sosts nostre segells secret a XIII dies de març de l.any de la nativitat de Nostre Senyor Mil CCCXCIII. Rex Johannis.

Dominus Rex mandavit mihi Bernardo de Jonqueiro.

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