XV Congress of the Association of Contemporary History, “Inhabited History. Subjects, processes and challenges of Contemporary History of the XXI century”

On the 9th, 10th and 11th of September, the XV Congress of the Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, “La Historia habitada. Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI”, organized by the University of Córdoba. Many of the teachers and research staff in training in our Section took part, taking part in different […]

On the 9th, 10th and 11th of September, the XV Congress of the Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, “La Historia habitada. Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI”, organized by the University of Córdoba.

Many of the teachers and research staff in training in our Section took part, taking part in different workshops.

Contretament, Teresa Abelló presented “New paths, old trends. The echo of the new philosophies in the anarchist press of the sixties ”, Giovanni C. Cattini“ The Mediterranean Colloquia of Florence as an experience of transnational networks of Intellectuals ”; Paola Lo Cascio and Andreu Mayayo “The International Meeting for the Freedom of the Spanish People (Rome-Genoa, April 1962)” and Carles Santacana “Connecting with contemporary culture. Publishers, translators and prologues in Ariel Quincenal (1967-1975) ”, all of them communications within the framework of the workshop Transnational cultural networks in the tardofranquismo, of which professor Santacana was one of the coordinators.

On the other hand, the predoctoral researcher Tura Tusell presented “Going to serve”. Internal maids in Catalan cities (1860-1930) “and Professor Cristina Borderías (along with Luza Cussó and Xavier Segura)” Pan Welsh in Las Capidas Españolas during the first third of Siglo XX “, in the framework of the workshop La Ciudad in Spain, 1900-1983. Social change and urban transformation.

Professor Jordi Ibarz presented the paper “Historical digital newspaper archives as massive repositories of information. Problems and results ”, in the framework of the workshop Archives, documents and digital sources of history: tools, methods and research techniques and Professor Ricard García Public limited companies and executive power in Elizabethan Spain: a contribution from the analysis of networks “in the framework of the workshop The Shadows of Power. Deep state, networks of influence and capture of the state in Europe and America.