Works D.E.A.

The Civil War and the post-war repression: El Masnou, 1936-1952

Author: GARCÍA SANANTE, Álvaro

Barcelona University, 2007-2008

As of April 14, 1931, the Second Spanish Republic began, which sought to overcome the political endarreriment of the Bourbon monarchy and the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. The project had to overcome importants barreres, ja that the country suffered an economic recession due to the Great Depression worldwide. In Masnou the nou règim will arrive with great hopes dipositades in the democratic town hall controlled by ERC. The nou consistori will bring fer front als problemes econòmics amb diferents projectes of public investment with the millora dels centers educatius, overture of carrers, the projecte of the nou mercat or l’impuls of the cooperative of the Cases Barates per als obrers.

In May of 1934 the political situation was radicalized in Catalonia as a result of the clashes between the Generalitat and the Government, which ended with the armed insurrection of sympathizers of the ERC and with the proclamation of the Catalan State within the Spanish Republic. Masnou was a municipality that concentrated up to a hundred participants in the insurrection that left for Barcelona to support the position of the Generalitat, among which Pere Estapé, regional head of ERC. After the failure of the armed action came the first arrests and municipal purges, and a city council was formed military imposition appointed by Army commander Francisco Alvarez-Builla and formed exclusively by councilors of the Lliga.

After the legislative elections of February 1936 in which the Popular Front won, the period of administrative government by imposition came to an end. However, the most reactionary right, led by military sectors and the Church, staged a coup on July 17, 1936 that failed in several areas of the nation, including Catalonia. In Masnou, the sector of the population that defended the conspiracy gathered around the house of the Marquise de Lapilla. But the coup failed, thanks to the active participation of the popular classes and the members that will form Antifascist Committees in each town. In Masnou, the Committee was headed by Joan Juan, mayor and leader of the CNT. The Masnou militiamen obtained weapons by participating in the assault on the caserna of Sant Andreu, created barricades on the road and burned the parish of Sant Pere. Meanwhile, the City Council expelled by decree the councilors who belonged to the Front Català d’Ordre. Despite the dissolution of the Committee by the decree of October 9, 1936, the members and the powers in economy, administration and defense passed to the City Council

As of October 20, the Consistory was chaired by Joan Juan until the beginning of 1938 when he decided to march to the front. It is in the course of this period that the confrontations of the Acts of May 1937 arose as a result of the decree of the Generalitat of March 1 that sought to dissolve the councils of defense. In Masnou Joan Juan questioned the regulations showing reticence. This triggered the temporary withdrawal of the other local government councilors who were not from the CNT. Another confrontational situation that took place in May 1937 was the attempted attempt of armed invasion by the Masnou militia of the town of Alella.