Works D.E.A.

Community association and the first democratic town council in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat (1979-1983)

Author: PICHEL, Berta

Director: Dr. Antoni Segura i Mas, catedràtic

Barcelona University, 2002-2003

The Democratic Transition has been a decisive epoch in the contemporary history of Spain: the transition from dictatorship to democracy marked a radical change in the political, social and cultural evolution of this country.

Traditionally, in addition, this time has been considered a golden age of the neighborhood movement that, after a long dictatorship, struggled to see its rights recognized and participate in the democratic movement that capitalized political parties.

This research proposes precisely a study of the relations of the neighborhood movement with the first democratic town hall in Hospitalet. As fundamental conclusions, the important role of the economic crisis of the 70s as the driving force of a neighborhood militant and vindictive movement and the progressive loss of vitality of this movement as the first democratic town hall was consolidated.