This text is a summary of the contents of a first approach to the analysis of the discourses of republicanism on the Catalan family models, gender relations and the feminine identity during the first decades of Catalan industrialisation. In particular, it discusses the work of Narcís Monturiol and Francesc Pi i Margall.
Despite the importance of both authors, his speech on the family and the genus has not received so far specific attention (Smith and Pujadas, 1918; MOLAS, 1965; Clown,1966 and 1975; Hennesey, 1967; González Casanova, 1979; Stream and Tuebols, 1986; Colomer, 1991; Casassas and Ghanime, 2001; Duarte, 2002).
The issue of gender relations in the political ideologies is important and offers a wide and fruitful for research (Nash, 1993; Ugalde 1993; Llona, 2000; Sanfeliu, 2005). This field is especially interesting in Catalonia where there are many ways to study.
In the context of the bourgeois revolutions different history converge in the social construction of a new discourse on gender relations, which we know by the name of the “ideology of domesticity”, and which has as its objective the reconstruction of ties who had provided the community, extended family or the monarchy to revolutionary transformations, now broken. Both Monturiol as Pi i Margall respond with his work in these new needs in the line of bourgeois liberalism.
The primary sources used in this work for the analysis of the work of Monturiol are the three periodicals that runs between 1846 and 1850: La Madre de Familia, La Fraternidad, cabetiana-inspired, and The Padre de Familia.
In the case of Pi i Margall have been consulted key works of its production: The Reacción y la Revolución, Las, Las Nacionalidades Jornaleras Classes, Las Luchas de Nuestros Días Primeros and Cartas Íntimas. Have also been consulted collections of articles as artículos y Diálogos, Joyas literarias de Don Francisco Pi y Margall, Articles, autonomy, Trabajos sueltos and Iderari de Francesc Pi i Margall-an anthology of texts-. Particularly useful has been the booklet La Misión de la Mujer en la Sociedad…