Works D.E.A.

Human geography in the village of Aranda de Duero in 1945


Barcelona University, 2006-2007

Imatge de la publicació

The present work has as a humble object to carry out an analysis on the human geography of the villa of Aranda de Duero, Burgos, in the immediate post-war period, in particular in the year 1945.

The final result of the research allows a brief idea of the modus vivendi of the native population for this historical period, making the calculations and subsequent reflections on:

· The age pyramid of the population of 1945.
· The typology of their homes.
· The distribution of its inhabitants according to: the different professional groups to which they belong, the alphabetical degree (that is, if they know how to read and write) of these and their place of origin.

And all this, logically, put in relation not only with the province of Burgos to which it belongs, but to Castile and León as soon as its autonomous community and, ultimately, the whole of the Spanish territory.

Aranda de Duero gradually becomes one of the most important nuclei of the province of Burgos since the end of the nineteenth century and during the whole first half of the twentieth century, since its process of urbanization during all this period make of it that , as the capital of the Ribera del Duero and as the third largest population behind Miranda de Ebro and the capital itself, have 35 villages under their judicial jurisdiction. A whole vast population, in short, that has been supplied commercially in the fairs and markets that have since long been gone-and that continue today-celebrating in this villa Burgos so well located strategically. This, however, does not mean that it abandons the agricultural and wine-growing economy characteristic traditionally for the area so far, on the contrary: it will maintain therefore as soon as the immediate Spanish postwar period from 1939 will create a framework basically rural; But it is not going to be obstacle so that it does not know how to take advantage of the contemporary political, economic and social situation to progress as an urban and therefore demographic nucleus…