Works D.E.A.

The Republican Party of the Left (1935-1948): an approach to non-hegemonic Republicanism in Catalonia

Author: GIL MOREL, Ramiro

Barcelona University, 2007-2008

Imatge de la publicació

The object of this investigation has been to approach one of the least-known political groups within the system of parties of the 30's in Catalonia, the Republican Party of the Left (PRE). The PRE arose in April 1935, the Second Republic was well advanced, as a merger of two political parties that had a similar trajectory and shared similar political views, as well as representing two important Spanish Republican parties, Republican Action and the Socialist Radical Party, but as Catalan and autonomous branches of these. The PRE and the two parties that preceded it, represented a sector of Catalan leftist republicanism very ideologically close to the Catalan Republican parties, ERC and Acció Catalana Republicana, but it was located at the same time in the same line of action as the republican parties Spanish, Republican Action and Socialist Radical Party, the parties that would later form the Republican Left. In addition, the PRE represented both quite prestigious currents of republicanism, that of "Azañismo" and that of marcelinismo, in a very peculiar political symbiosis within the system of Catalan parties of those years.
Although the political parties that have had a link to Spanish parties have always been considered minority in Catalonia and have raised little interest, the case of the PRE is special, because within the parties considered minority of the 30's, it is perhaps one of That less deserves this qualification, when reaching a certain importance before the Civil War. There has not been until now a study of the limits and importance of the party that ended up configuring as the branch of the Republican Left in Catalonia, despite being formed by characters of considerable political and intellectual size, with a long history and a certain prestige (Marcel·lí Domingo, Ramon Nogués i Biset, Faustí Ballvé, Brauli Solsona, Ramon Noguer and Comet, among others), and it is often unknown that his strength became considerable in some areas, especially in terms of what he does in the Tarragona circumscription and especially in the Terres de l'Ebre. In comparison to other minority political forces of the period, we find that from other parties relatively weaker than the PRE have been the object of study, which is why this paper intends to fill a certain historiographic emptiness in this aspect.