Works D.E.A.

The neighborhood associations in Nou Barris (1964-1976)

Author: LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Esther

Director: Dr. Andreu Mayayo Artal, professor

Barcelona University, 2002-2003

This research aims to study in detail the neighborhood movement in Nou Barris during the last years of the Franco regime. In 1977, the neighborhood associative movement had become a key element in the coordination and representation of the entities and groups that defended democracy and partly decisive for the public and political life of the city. However, his initial approach had been very different. Understanding how this movement was transformed and went from being a platform in defense of the neighborhood in a protest movement that tried to influence society to change it is the main objective of the work.

In fact, the issue of the internal transformation of this social movement, very important from the sociological point of view, acquires a great historical importance due to the context in which it occurs: a severe urban and social crisis -incremented in Barcelona with the immigration from from different parts of Spain- and a strong political crisis -with the loss of the hegemony of the Franco dictatorship in its last years, which it tried to counteract with an increase in coercion.