Works D.E.A.

The statutory debate in Menorca during the Second Republic


Director: Dr. Agustí Colomines i Companys, tenured professor

Barcelona University, 2002-2003

To see the main debates that originated among the different political sectors of Menorca at the time of redefining their position with the central power during the Second Republic is the main objective of this investigation.

Starting from an exhaustive analysis of the bibliography and a deep hemerographic research, Joel Bagur tries to show the different conceptions that the Menorcan political groups had about their relations with Madrid and the rest of the archipelago during the Second Republic.

Choosing the debate that, around the preliminary draft Statute for the Balearic Islands and Pitiusas, took shape in Menorca at the beginning of the Second Spanish Republic, we wanted to focus our research attention on the Menorcan political positioning, which is substantially different from the Mallorcan and the Pitiuso . Different in its vision of the regional problems of the State, on the one hand, and the political-internal organization of the archipelago on the other. Thus, Menorca ended up voluntarily absent from the assembly that took place in the Principal Theater of Palma at the end of July 1931 with the aim of discussing the statutory text drawn up in Mallorca by the Association for the Culture of Mallorca and the Chamber of Commerce.