Works D.E.A.

The conflict in Israel and Palestine, a perspective from the UN position and the humanitarian impact


Barcelona University, 2007-2008

Imatge de la publicació

The purpose of this research project is to analyze the position of the United Nations regarding the conflict in Palestine and Israel from the Oslo accords to the humanitarian crisis in 2007. At the same time, it seeks to give a general overview on the Conflict in Israel and Palestine highlighting those aspects and moments in which different studies have centered attention and interpretation.

One of the main motivations of the study is the willingness to systematically study United Nations documentation regarding the Palestinian question, since it is an important source in which few studies have deepened.

The initial approach of the work is to analyze what has been the binding positioning of the UN around the conflict and in what aspects the organization has focused attention. Fact that also leads to a search about the humanitarian impact and the needs of the Palestinian population.
The sources used to carry out this research are mainly found in the archives of the United Nations and also those of other international organizations. Most of these are accessible through the network and are a good example of how new technologies allow access to archival funds and primary documents of great use. I have also consulted a wide bibliography in order to make a state of the issue and give a general overview on the subject.

I have done the study from the analysis of all the reports of the Secretary General of the United Nations addressed to the Security Council and the General Assembly regarding the situation in the Middle East and the Palestinian question, as well as those Aspects concerning the conflict of all follow-up reports to the Provisional Forces of Nations in Lebanon, to Security Council resolutions 1559 and 1701 and to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force during the period studied. I have also included the analysis of the draft resolutions and resolutions of the Security Council that refer to the Palestinian question. Based on the analysis of this documentation from the binding agencies of the United Nations we have been able to see the official position of the organization, during the period in which the field of study is framed.
Below I studied the humanitarian impact in the Occupied Territories, I have used mainly documentation from the different agencies of the United Nations System: the main reports and resolutions of the World Health Organization referring to the Occupied Territories, some of the regional reports of the Program of the United Nations for Development, emergency reports of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and especially the reports of the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories , which provide us with a collection of information, data, analysis and oral memory of different organisms that work on human rights in the region. At the same time I have also studied some reports from other agencies such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, Amnesty International and the Human Righs Watch organization. Finally, I have done a comparative analysis of the humanitarian impact and the different peace talks that have taken place throughout the period.
The work is divided into two parts: the first consists in a state of the question about the history of the conflict and the second one analyzes the position of the UN from the Oslo agreements until September 2007 and one of the fundamental aspects that is extracted: the humanitarian impact in the Occupied Territories.
The second part of the paper focuses on the main objective of the investigation: the UN position regarding the conflict and the humanitarian impact in the Occupied Territories, from the peace process initiated in Oslo to the humanitarian crisis in 2007. The three aspects in which the UN shows its concern are: the security, the peace negotiations and the basic needs of the Palestinian population, and they are compared with the political reality of the period.