Doctoral Thesis

Discourses and pacifist languages ​​in Catalonia between the Tragic Week and the Civil War, 1909-1936

Author: DEVESA PÁJARO, David

Director: Dra. Susanna Tavera García, catedràtica

Barcelona University, 2016

This doctoral thesis aims to analyze the pacifist discourses published in Catalonia between the Tragic Week (1909) and the beginning of the Civil War (1936). In order to achieve this purpose, we start from the conceptual delimitation of the term “pacifism” and the knowledge of its historical trajectory until the 19th century. This theoretical framework will allow us to dissect, organize and understand the sources consulted to end up drawing a portrait of the penetration and consolidation of pacifist ideas and languages ​​in Catalonia in the first decades of the twentieth century. Thus, the key events in the evolution of this pacifist discourse are identified, its contents are defined and interpretative categories are established in the form of three pacifist traditions (liberal-democratic, workers ’and religious). This task will lead to the observation of the interrelationships and strategies of the broadcasters of these discourses and their social, political and intellectual relevance. Finally, we will consider the rhythms, intensities, omissions and silences expressed by the sources in order to characterize a period that will end with an abrupt renunciation of pacifism caused by the Civil War.