The Italian Social Republic in the Spanish press(1943-1945) PELLEGRINI, Alberto
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
The European Parliament: historic and political evolution. FREIXES MONTES, Xavier
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
The controversy of the catalan nationalism through the epistolary correspondence between Narcís Oller and Benito Pérez Galdós ACOSTA GONZÁLEZ, Maria Lourdes
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
The case Josep Pla and the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes CIVIT LLORT, Ramon
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
The beginnings of the social movement for the defense of the territory of Menorca. The case of s’Albufera des Grau. Years 1974-1975 PIRIS COLL, Laura
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Political, social and cultural consciousness of the catalan architects in the late franquism SUAU MAYOL, Tomàs
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Marcel·lí Domingo: Catalanism, Republicanism, Populism VIÑADO FOLCH, Hèctor
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Lo Verdader Català (1843): Witnessing a premature Catalanism AIXALÀ JANSANA, Josep
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Labour unrest at Poblenou, 1969-1978 AMORES CHAVES, Ferran
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Introduction to the debate on immigration in the Spanish Transition, 1975-1980 COLOM CANALS, Tomàs
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Barcelona, a city in the process of change. The “Noticiaris de Barcelona” (1977-1980) LOPERENA SERRAHIMA, Elisabet
Barcelona University, 2005-2006
Barcelona Year 0. Cinema after the war ESCOTO FIBLA, Elisabet
Barcelona University, 2005-2006