Llorenç Ferrer Alós publishes “The early demographic transition in Catalonia: births, deaths and migrations (18th and 19th centuries)”

The professor of our Section, Llorenç Ferrer Alós, has just published the article “The early demographic transition in Catalonia: births, deaths and migrations (18th and 19th centuries)” in issue 78 of the journal Recerques This article reviews the population growth of Catalonia based on the intensive use of parish series of births and deaths. The […]

The professor of our Section, Llorenç Ferrer Alós, has just published the article “The early demographic transition in Catalonia: births, deaths and migrations (18th and 19th centuries)” in issue 78 of the journal Recerques

This article reviews the population growth of Catalonia based on the intensive use of parish series of births and deaths. The fall in fertility in the first half of the 19th century is noted; the even greater drop in mortality; the extraordinary natural growth in this period that allows us to speak of an early demographic transition. It is also stated that this growth took place without contributions from the immigrant population. Most towns and cities expelled people and that Barcelona was the great receptacle of population from which it left all of Catalonia. The volume of data used can give special value to this research.

FERRER ALÓS, Llorenç “The early demographic transition of Catalonia: birth, mortality and migrations (18th and 19th centuries)” Recerques, 2021, n. 78, pp. 27-96

You can check out the article at this link