The section

As its name suggests, the chronology defines the teachers who are part of the Section, with specialist teachers in the period between the end of the 18th century and the 21st, with several lines of research working.

At the administrative level, the Contemporary History and Current World section is part of the Department of History and Archeology of the Facultat de Geografia i Història of the University of Barcelona. The Section teaches various degrees in which subjects related to the following modalities are taught: History, Archeology, Geography, Art History, Anthropology, and Communication and Cultural Industries.

The professors also teach in two university master’s degrees: Màster en Història Contemporània i Món Actual (Master’s in Contemporary History and the Contemporary World) ; and what is taught with the coordination of several universities, Màster d’estudis de Dones, Gènere i Ciutadania  entitled Master of Studies in Women, Gender and Citizenship.

To resolve any questions, you can contact the administration of the section:


Alícia Villanueva, administration:

Antoni Vives, coordination secretary:

Queralt Solé, coordinator: