
Els programes de doctorat són un conjunt d’activitats que condueixen a l’adquisició de les competències i habilitats necessàries per obtenir el títol de doctor, qualificació màxima que la Universitat pot concedir i que s’aconsegueix cursant un programa de doctorat i superant la defensa de la tesi doctoral.

The Doctoral Program in Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Arts and Heritage Societat i Cultura: Història, Antropologia, Arts i Patrimoni aims to provide an offer of quality and reference in various specialties in the fields of History, Anthropology, Arts, Heritage and Cultural Management . The program offers theoretical and methodological training for doctoral students and is aimed at 4 areas of research. Doctoral students typically enroll in History Contemporary History and Archeology Història i Arqueologia  in the field: field aimed at research of historical questions about the historical reality at international, Spanish and Catalan in different historical periods. It also encompasses research in basic and applied archeology.


The coordinator of the Doctorate is Giovanni C. Cattini, a historian specializing in the history of Catalan nationalism and cultural and intellectual currents from the end of the 19th century to the Second World War. If you have any questions, please contact us at