SGR – Generalitat Aid to Consolidated Research Groups
22022-2026 (2021 SGR 01090) IMARTE. Research in artistic processes and new technologies.
Coordinador: Luis Eloi Puig Mestres. Participan: Eugenia Agustí Camí, Laura Baigorri Ballarin, Lali Barriere, Antònia Coll Florit, Mireia Feliu Fabra, Luis Fernández Pons, Eva Marín Peinado, Diego Marchante Hueso, Joanne Milne, Jordi Morell Rovira, Ramón Parramón Arimany, Mireia Plans Farrero, Àngels Viladomiu Canela, Joaquim Cantalozella Planas, Javier Lozano Vilardell, Marta Negre Busó, Oscar Padilla Macho, Joana Blotchtein Burd, Montserrat Carreño Delgado, Jesús María Sánchez, Albert Viñas Alcoz, Laia Moretó, Mercedes Pimiento, Miquel Garcia de la Facultat de Belles Arts.
2017-2020 (2017 SGR 1182) IMARTE. Research in artistic processes and new technologies.
PI: Luis Eloi Puig Mestres. Participants: Antonia Vila Martinez, Laura Baigorri Ballarin, M. Dolores Tapias Gil, Alberto Valera García, Àngels Viladomiu Canela, Joaquim Cantalozella Planas, Javier Lozano Vilardell, Marta Negre Busó, Mercè Casanovas Aleix, Salvador Juanpere Huguet, Jordi Bielsa Mialet, Eugènia Agustí Cami, Oscar Padilla Macho, Beatriz Regueira Pons, Montserrat Carreño Delgado, Jesús María Sánchez Flores, Ricardo Guixà Frutos, Montserrat Morcate Home of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
2017-2020 (2017 SGR 82) BRAC: Barcelona. Research. Art i Creació. (Art and science. Creative identity and territory).
IP: Alexandre Nogué Font. Participants: Miquel A. Planas Rosselló, Josep Cerdà Ferrè, Juan Descarga Aniento, Josep Roy Dolcet, Núria Gual Solé, Jaime Fortuny Agramunt, Alba García Martínez from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
2017-2020 (2017SGR 194) GRACMON .
IP: Teresa Montserrat Sala García. Participants: Anna Mª Calvera Sagué Dolors Tapias, Raquel Pelta and Rosa Povedano Ferré from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
State Research Projects
2021-2024 (PID2020-116999RB-I00) CONNECTED BODIES II – New processes of creation and dissemination of identity art practices in non-presentiality.
IPs: Laura Baigorri y Pedro Ortuño (UM). Participants: Clara Boj Tovar (UPV), Lourdes Cilleruelo Gutiérrez (EHU), Diego Díaz García (UJI), Paloma G. Díaz (UOC), Diego Marchante Hueso (UB), Mau Monleón Pradas (UPV), Blanca Montalvo Gallego (UMA), Virginia Paniagua Gutiérrez (UV), Mireia Plans Farrero (UB), Pilar Rosado Rodríguez (UB), Águeda Simó Cachorro (UBI-PT), Ana Urroz Osés (UB), Augusto Pedro Zubiaga Gárate (EHU), Joana Blotchein Burd (Beca FI – UB).
2019-2021 (PGC2018-093862-B-C21). IN> TRA2. Reading as artistic practice: new models of creative decoding Coordinator: Metareadings from artistic practice. Creative decoding dimensions
PIs: Luis Eloi Puig Mestres and Eugènia Agustí Camí. Participants: Antonia Vila Martínez, Oscar Padilla Macho from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
2019-2021 (PGC2018-093862-B-C22). Coordinated project: Printed Matter / Network Laboratory.
PIs: Alberto Valera García and Angels Viladomiu Canela. Participants: Joaquim Cantalozella Planas, Marta Negre Busó, Mercè Casanovas Aleix, Javier Lozano Vilardell, Cristina Pastó Aguila, Antonia Coll Florit from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
2018-2020 (HAR2017-84915-R) Connected Bodies: Art and Identity Cartographies in Transmedia Society.
PIs: Laura Baigorri Ballaríni Pedro Ortuño Mengual. Participants: M. Dolores Tapias Gil, Ricardo Iglesias Garcia, Joaquim Cantalozella Planas, Marta Negre Busó, Ricardo Iglesias García, Diego Marchante Hueso, Montserrat Morcate Casera Lozano from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
2018-2020 (HAR2017-82755-P) Decentralized Modernity (s): Art, politics and counterculture on the transatlantic axis during Cold War II.
IP: Maria Luz López Ruido.
2016-2018 (HAR2015-63952-C3-1-P) IN> TRA. Collaborative artistic practice as a model of experience: New forms and prototypes in research processes.
Coordinator: MetaMethod III. Shared methodologies in research processes and new artistic practices.
IP: Alicia Vela Cisneros and Eloi Puig Mestres. Participants: Antonia Vila Martínez, Eugènia Agustí Camí, Oscar Padilla Macho from the Faculty of Fine Arts.