Academic commission


Raquel Pelta – president

Cristina Pastó – secretary

Marta Negre – vocal

Eloi Puig – vocal

Mar Redondo – vocal

Laura Baigorri – vocal

Commission functions

They correspond to the Doctoral Academic Committee, among others, the following functions:

1. Organize, coordinate and define the doctoral program.

two. Propose the establishment of agreements with other universities or institutions to develop the program.

3. Establish additional requirements and criteria to select and admit students to the program, and also the specific training complements that doctoral candidates have to take, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Doctoral School.

Four. Authorize extensions first and second to doctoral students who request it, as long as they are valued positively, both in full-time and part-time doctoral studies.

5. Establish the presentation and documentation requirements of the research plan and resolve the applications for admission of the research plan presented by the doctoral students.

6. Solve the admission requests submitted to the doctoral program.

7. Assign the tutor and directors to doctoral students.

8. Evaluate , each academic year, the research plan for doctoral students .

9. Authorize stays and activities outside the Spanish State that are directly related to the research plan.

10. Set the timetable and procedures linked to the presentation of the research plan and its subsequent evaluations, in accordance with the deadlines set in the doctoral study management calendar approved each year by the Doctoral School.

eleven. Resolve deposit requests thesis presented.