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Objectives and competences
Lines of investigation and teacher profile
Groups and projects
Coordination and contact
Academic commission
Admission and access
General and specific criteria
Guide for writing the research proposal
Admission Calendar
Annual research and monitoring plan
Guide to develop the research plan
Guide for writing the annual monitoring
Research and monitoring plan calendar
Regulations and forms
Doctoral theses
Art in the digital age
Doctoral theses in progress
Research in image and design
Doctoral profile
Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions - EAPA
PhD program of the University of Barcelona
Objectives and competences
Lines of investigation and teacher profile
Groups and projects
Coordination and contact
Academic commission
Admission and access
General and specific criteria
Guide for writing the research proposal
Admission Calendar
Annual research and monitoring plan
Guide to develop the research plan
Guide for writing the annual monitoring
Research and monitoring plan calendar
Regulations and forms
Doctoral theses
Art in the digital age
Doctoral theses in progress
Research in image and design
Doctoral profile
Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions – EAPA
PhD program of the University of Barcelona
EAPA - Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions
Doctoral program at the University of Barcelona
Lines of investigation and teacher profile
Groups and projects
Admission Calendar
Coordination and contact