Didàctica de la Història, la Geografia i altres Ciències Socials, i Comunicació


The consolidated research group DHIGECS-COM (Didactics of History, Geography and other Social Sciences – Communication) develops its field of study in the discipline of social sciences – especially focusing on the field of education, communication and media, and heritage – seeking a transfer of this knowledge to society.

The composition of this research group is plural, transdisciplinary and inter-institutional.
The researchers who make up DHIGECS-COM come from different interrelated disciplines, converging with active education professionals. In fact, the DHIGECS group was originally born in 2002, dedicating its initial research to the teaching of social sciences and heritage.

Over time, however, he organically integrated different aspects of communication and media, edu-communication and information literacy into his research. As a result, the structure of the group has been strengthened in its interdisciplinary links, giving rise to the two branches of study that underpin the current DHIGECS-COM research: Education, Communication and the Media, and Teaching and Learning in the Social Sciences.

Lines of Research

Cross-cutting line of research on gender and diversities

Education and media

Teaching and learning social sciences

Our team


Dr. Joaquín Prats Cuevas


Dr. Lydia Sánchez Gómez

Dr. Alba Ambròs i Pallarès

Dr. Carolina Martín Piñol

Dr. Sergio Villanueva Baselga

Dr. Mª Jose Masanet Jorda

Dr. Tània Martínez Gil

Dr. Ilaria Bellati

Dr. Isidora Sáez Rosenkranz

Dr. Hibai López González

Elvira Barriga Ubed

Dr. Margarida Carnicé Mur

Dr. Adrien Faure Carvallo

Dr. Maddalena Fedele

Dr. Concepción Fuentes Moreno


Dr. Núria Gil Duran

Dr. Josué Molina Neira

Dr. Judit Sabido Codina

Dr. Daniel Hurtado Torres

Aida Navas Aparicio

Vicente Villalba Palacín

Sònia Ruiz Conesa

Ana Martínez Marjalizo

Anna Iñigo

Dr. Daniel Mourenza Urbina

Dr. Laura Fernández

Dr. Priscila Alvarez Cueva