We participated in the 9th International Congress of AE-IC

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From May 28 to 31, 2024, the 9th International Congress of the AE-IC (Spanish Association of Communication Research) took place at the University of Murcia. The event reunió a investigadores de comunicación del ámbito nacional e internacional was held to reflect on communication and sustainable innovation.

Researchers from the CUVICOM project

At the Congress, Juan Miguel Aguado, Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Murcia, posed two questions for participants to debate: Are these innovations being made in the media or creative industries sustainable? Can they continue to be sustained over time? To answer this and other questions, experts in communication such as Claudio Feijóo, Silvio Waisbord, Marta Rodríguez Castro, Ramón Salaverría, Helena Matute, and Luana Lo Piccolo participated.

At the conference, we presented papers the researchers from CUVICOM Javier Guallar, Mari Vállez, Mario Pérez-Montoro, and Anna Ventura from the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media at the Universitat de Barcelona, Pere Freixa and Elisenda Aguilera-Cora from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Jesús Cascon-Katchadourian from the University of Zaragoza, and Mar Iglesias, Cristina González Díaz, Maria Vilaplana-Aparicio, and Raquel Escadell from the University of Alicante.

In the Visibility LineIn the Visibility Line, Mari Vállez presented "Publication Strategies on Twitter by Five Major International Media Outlets," co-authored with Juan-José Boté-Vericard and Carlos Lopezosa. Also within this framework, Raquel Escandell Poveda and Mar Iglesias Garcia presented the paper "SEO Specialist: A Strategic Actor in Corporate Communication.

Mari Vállez, IP del proyecto Cuvicom

In the Content Curation lineIn the Content Curation line, Javier Guallar presented "Content Curation in Live News of Digital Press: A Study of Eight Spanish Newspapers on Election Days 2023," prepared jointly with Jesús Cascón-Katchadourian and Juan-José Boté-Vericard.

Javier Guallar, PI of the CUVICOM project

Likewise, Anna Ventura presented "Visibility of Gender Equality in Spanish Independent Digital Press: Themes, Formats, and Curation" in collaboration with Mari Vállez and Javier Guallar, from both the Visibility and Content Curation lines.

In the Information Visualization lineIn the Information Visualization line, Mario Perez-Montoro presented "Evaluation of the Quality of Visualizations in News and Data Reports," developed in collaboration with Rafael Pedraza-Jiménez and Alejandro Morales-Vargas, and "Information Visualization and Generative Artificial Intelligence: Functionality, Scope, and Limits," in collaboration with Carlos Lopezosa.

Finally, en la línea Transversal, Mar Iglesias-García presentó “Propuesta metodológica para el análisis de la comunicación en Instagram”, una comunicación desarrollada conjuntamente con Cristina González-Díaz; María Vilaplana-Aparicio y Lluís Codina, por su parte Elisenda Aguilera-Cora presentó “Place branding y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: La perspectiva de los expertos académicos”, preparada con José Fernández-Cavia y Lluís Codina.

El encuentro fue una oportunidad para debatir sobre cómo la innovación en comunicación puede ir más allá de la eficacia y la rentabilidad, añadiendo una nueva dimensión, la sostenibilidad. Este enfoque permitiría utilizar las transformaciones en el ecosistema comunicativo para enfrentarse al cambio climático, ayudar a la concienciación sobre temas medioambientales, luchar contra la desinformación, favorecer la innovación dentro del sector público y un cierto equilibrio o justicia social.
