Postgraduate diploma in International cooperation and cultural management
Credits: 30

In a world becoming more and more interdependent at a regional and global level, international cooperation projects are growing in importance. Besides governmental strategies of cultural diplomacy, many actors are deciding to take part in networks, to co-produce projects or to give an international dimension to their programmes.  Our philosophy is aligned with UNESCO values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030 and wishes to be respectful of local contributions and support for interculturality. The course aims to be a reference for professionals from Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world with regard to the planning of sustainable cultural cooperation projects.

The programme, with 25 years of experience, has counted on the participation of some of the most renowned experts and institutions within the cultural sector worldwide (UNESCO, the International Labour Organization, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of Ibero-American States), European and international agencies for cultural dissemination or development aid (AECID, foreign culture institutes), as well as relevant members of the European and Latin American cultural networks.

The training combines the best innovative dynamics of distance learning, with the invaluable moments of exchange, meeting and shared knowledge offered during the face-to-face weeks. The course is structured around seven training modules that are taught in various formats: face-to-face classes, online discussions, units with updated resources and materials, meetings with international professionals, visits to specialized venues, simulation exercises, group and individual sessions with advisors, horizontal conversations, among others. The maximum interaction with professionals from around the world is sought, in a more inclusive, horizontal and multidisciplinary format possible. The program combines theory and practice, in a transversal perspective that allows analysing and facing the present and future challenges of international cultural cooperation.

Among the objectives of the course are:

  • Fostering real and effective projects of cultural cooperation among different countries.
  • Transferring knowledge and skills to design and implement cooperation projects for cultural development at international level.
  • Contributing to mutual enrichment and knowledge, starting from the comparison of realities and projects among different regions.
  • Deepening the conceptual themes of the program, analysing practical instruments to design and develop international cultural cooperation projects, broadening visions and contacts through exchanges with professionals working in different disciplines, contexts and countries, are some of the transversal objectives of the postgraduate program.

The course is held in Barcelona, one of the most attractive, lively and interesting Mediterranean capitals at present, givig participants the chance to know first-hand some of the initatives and innovations in the field of cultural management, as well as to enjoy the art and culture of the Catalan capital.

Finally, if deciding to continue in education, upon course completion students have the possibility to PURSUE common modules by validation (Conceptual foundations; Strategic Planning; Introduction to Resource Management) in the postgraduate degrees “Performing arts and Festivals Production and Management”..

  • Number of ECTS credits: 30
  • Format: blended (distance-learning and three weeks on campus)
  • Language: English or Spanish (The course is offered in the two languages). The students can present their final project in Catalan, Spanish, French, English, Italian and Portuguese.
  • Duration: 1 academic year
  • Academic access requirements: University graduates and participants without academic qualifications. The latter obtain a higher university diploma.
  • Cost: 4.150€ (more € 70 as administration fee)
  • Career prospects: Cultural managers specialized in international projects on cultural cooperation and management.
Blended learning

Advantages of distance learning:

  • Set your own study pace, education is tailored to the personal needs of each participant.
  • Developing skills of autonomy, self-control and dedication, and time and work management, linked to the learning process, that are extremely useful in current professional practice.
  • Make access to high quality education possible to those people who live far away or dealing with time constraints.


Advantages of the 3 weeks on campus in Barcelona:

  • Interacting face-to-face with qualified professionals in the sector.
  • Networking with classmates, sharing and involving in a wide range of experiences.
  • Interacting and planning in groups, learning collectively and comparing different experiences and ideas.
  • Living for some days the dynamism of Barcelona, a cosmopolitan cultural metropolis with a wide range of interesting projects.


International cultural relations

  • Legal and political framework for intergovernmental cultural relations
  • Diplomacy and bilateral cultural action
  • The intergovernmental organizations
  • The action of foreign cultural centers
  • Context and regional experiences of international cultural relations
  • Concept and aims of cultural cooperation

Culture and development

  • The cultural dimension of development
  • Cultural rights, cultural democracy and interculturality
  • International recommendations and resources
  • Strategies of cultural cooperation for development


  • Cultural diplomacy versus international cultural cooperation
  • Aims and strategies for cultural cooperation
  • Cultural development cooperation
  • The networks of international cooperation
  • Experiences of cultural cooperation


  • Geostrategic framework and opportunities assessment
  • The logical framework in the design and evaluation of projects: theory and praxis
  • Design and planning of a cultural cooperation project
  • Analysis and negotiation between stakeholders on an international scale
  • International funding agencies and sources
  • Analysis of experiences


Cultural policy

  • Paradigms of contemporary cultural policies
  • International comparative models of cultural policy
  • Strategies for cultural policy
  • Planning and evaluation of cultural policies

Economy of culture

  • Structures and dynamics of cultural markets
  • Cultural participation, consumption and demand
  • Financing strategies

Empowerments and creative references

  • Connotations and dimensions of culture
  • Creativity, cultural industry and creative industry
  • Contemporary cultural dynamics


  • Basics of strategic design and planning
  • Mission, vision and values
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Strategic and operational objectives
  • Projects and programmes assessment
  • Design of programmes and resources assessment
  • Analysis of projects and cultural references


Legal framework

  • Sources of law, normative framework and legal advice
  • Cultural rights
  • Risks and contractual and extra-contractual obligations
  • Legal and tax system of cultural organisations and activities
  • Copyright and intellectual property
  • Administrative skills, organization and activity


  • Introduction to accounting tools and case analysis
  • Design of cost budget
  • Design of revenue budget
  • Breakeven point and projects’ viability
  • Temporality of budgeting and accounting

Introduction to communication and marketing

  • Basics of cultural marketing
  • Segmentation, targeting and positioning
  • Design of the communication strategy
  • Digital and conventional communication
  • Sponsorhip management


  • Topic selection
  • Project design and planning
  • Selection and analysis of references
  • Strategies development
  • Operational proposal
  • Writing and submission

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Internship organizations

An interesting aspect of the programme is the opportunity to spend an internship period at cultural organisations. For this, the University of Barcelona makes available a standard model of work placement agreement for interested institutions. Tino Carreño, Internship Coordinator, will guide students during their personal research process. He will also inform them about available intern positions within the scope of the programme.

Historically, our students have done internships in various organizations and cultural and artistic projects such as, among others: Fira Tàrrega, Temporada Alta, Fira Mediterrània, Primavera Sound, Sonar festival, Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Festival de cinema de Sitges, Filmets, Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, Flic Festival, FAdFestival, MACBA, Museu Picasso, CCCB, Experimentem amb l’Art, la Escocesa, Asociación Fondo Guillermo Díaz-Plaja Contestí, l’Auditori, ESMUC, Cases de la Música, ICEC, ICUB, CONCA, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Instituto Cervantes, Sala Beckett, l’Antic Teatre, El Maldà, Rai, Atrium Viladecans, Mar Gómez cia de dansa, Cia Moveo, La petita Malamaluga, Electrico 28, Cia. Mousiké, El Graner, La Nau Ivanow, La Central del Circ, Tres per Tres, Lapsus, LD Eventos, Fundación Contorno Urbano, Fundación Casa América, La Bonne, Casa Asia, Connectats, Planta 1, Trànsit Projectes, Adhoc Cultura, Focus, Club Tr3sC, Planeta, Penguim Random House…


Among the alumni of the postgraduate course are professionals who now work in positions of responsibility in national and international venues and cultural projects, such as Centro Cultural Juan de Salazar de Asunción (Paraguay), Academia de Música de Viana Do Castelo (Portugal), Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola de Lima (Peru), Fundación Ciudad de la Plata (Argentina), Asociación Conecta Cultura de México, ‎Dugnad Music&Media WorkSpace, Red de Organizaciones Musicosociales de Iberoamérica, Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica de Colombia, Programa Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio Regional en Gobierno Regional de Antofagasta (Chile)…

Direction, coordination and invited professors
Lluís Bonet

Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona.

Academic director and lecturer at the Postgraduate  course  in International Cooperation and Cultural Management.

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio

Expert on Cultural Mobility, Contemporary Art and International Cultural Cooperation.

Academic coordinator at the Postgraduate  course in International Cooperation and Cultural Management.

Jordi Tresserras

Specialist in Cultural Tourism. President of ICOMOS-SPAIN, Director of IBERTUR and LABPATC of the University of Barcelona.

Jordi Baltà

Consultant and researcher specializing in management, cultural policies and international cultural relations. Expert on Agenda 21 for culture and member of the UNESCO committee of experts on Governance of culture in developing countries.

Àngel Mestres

Director Trànsit projectes y President del Centre de Estudis i Projectes Socials.

Tino Carreño

Professor at Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona and expert in management and production of music and performing arts festivals.

Internship coordinator at the Postgraduate  course  in International Cooperation and Cultural Management.

Mônica Barcelos

Specialist in international cultural cooperation in the museum sector.
Technical Secretary of the Ibermuseos Program.

Javier Iturralde

Columbia University – New York. Expert on Marketing 3.0 strategy development.

Mike Ribalta

Responsible for the Performing Arts Market at FiraTàrrega. Director of the professional accreditation department and La Llotja fair pavilion. Coordinator of professional activities and international programs and European projects.

Pep Salazar

Executive Director of OFFF Festival. He has been part of the Mobile World Capital or Sonar By Day.

Fernando Vicario

Cultural consultant and expert in international cultural cooperation.

Director of the Culture Area at the Organization of Ibero-American States until 2012. Since this year he resides in Colombia directing the company Consultores Culturales, which maintains representation in Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina and Venezuela.


Zaida Rico

Specialist in Ibero-American management and cooperation in the performing arts.

Technical Secretary of the IBERESCENA Programme.

Mariana Pfenniger

Directora del área de consultoría y proyectos internacionales de Trànsit Projectes.

Giada Calvano

Specialist in festivals, European cooperation projects and environmental challenges.

Co-founder of Chloe Sustainability, a consulting firm offering sustainable solutions for the cultural and creative sectors. Previously, she was head of research at the Performing Arts Observatory of the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy).

Mercedes Giovinazzo

Director of the Interarts Foundation, co-founder of Disorderly Women: Alliance of Women Leaders in Culture and President of the Biennale internationale des jeunes créateurs de l’Europe et de la Mediterranée.


This course combines virtual and on-site training. Face-to-face teaching is condensed in 3 intensive weeks during the month of January 2023. Virtual teaching combines materials, exercises and tutoring with some sessions of virtual classes.

  • Teaching periode: from October 7, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
  • On-site teaching: 3 intensive weeks, from the 13th until 31st of January  2025.
  • Schedule on-site teaching: From Mondays to Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Pre-enrolment: procedure open to new applications.
  • Location: Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. Avinguda Diagonal, 690, 08034,  Barcelona. (Location)

The organisation reserves the right to modify the scheduled dates. In this case, the secretary’s office will notify all participants as soon as possible.

Pre-signup and enrollment

Pre-enrolment for 2024-2025 academic year

Open call until September 15, 2024