Research Group: Laboratory of Neuronal Stem Cells and Brain Damage

Foto del grup de recerca del Daniel Tornero

Keywords: neural stem cells, in vitro models, stroke, neurological disorders, neuronal networks

Research overview 

Our group uses human neural stem cells for neurological disease modelling and the development of cell therapies for brain stroke. We are mainly interested in the functional aspects of neuronal network’s development applied to the in vitro models using brain-on-chip technology. We also study the functional integration of neural progenitors grafted in the damaged brain using animal models.  

We take advantage of top technological advances, including monosynaptic anterograde tracing with pseudotyped-rabies virus and monitorization of neuronal activity with genetically encoded calcium indicators, together with a wide network of national and international collaborators, to develop novel advanced therapies that combine genetics and stem cell-based approaches.  


Strategic lines 

  • Neuronal replacement in stem cell therapies for stroke-damaged brain. 
  • Functional studies in neuronal networks using intracellular calcium imaging. 
  • Brain-on-chip models to mimic healthy and diseased neuronal connectivity. 
  • Gene editing in neural stem cells for the generation of brain disease in vitro models.