Avantdrug New Website (Preclinical Studies)


Avantdrug®, the new platform for neurotoxicology and drug screening, created through a joint agreement between the Production and Validation Center of Advanced Therapies at the University of Barcelona (Creatio) and the Unit of Experimental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology at the Barcelona Science Park (UTOX-PCB), is launching its own webpage.

Creatio invites you to find more information about: Avantdrug®’s mission and vision, services, the members that constitute the platform, and the events that Avantdrug®’s team is going to attend, as well as the contact for possible collaborations. You can find all this information through the following link: http://www.avantdrug.eu/

We are open to establish new collaborations, to exchange ideas and technologies, and to offer you innovative approaches that will help you to accelerate your drug development. Do not hesitate to contact us through Avantdrug®’s webpage.