The COPOLIS-Adalquí Permanent Thematic Seminars represent the same transfer experience developed in various extracurricular training activities that articulate the transfer of research results, participatory action research and university extension, based on an interdisciplinary, group approach intersectoral and part-time work areas developed.

The main teaching and pedagogical devices for the transfer of knowledge and technology through which these experiences are developed are the Permanent Thematic Seminars, among which stand out:








We understand the Seminar modality (and especially its alternative seminar-workshop) as an activity that has the active participation of the attendees -through group dynamics and teaching innovation techniques- to develop an empirical-participatory analysis work Critical of the results of the research projects and studies of COPOLIS-Adalquí or of third parties invited. It is intended to provide an alternative response to the needs for training and professional exchange between social researchers, contributing to the institutional strengthening of the interdisciplinary approach to the different topics as a fundamental issue to understand their problems, their potentialities, as well as the possible solutions to the problems. conflicts of our current reality.

The proposal is inserted into three broader lines of action: a) The development of a specific plan of actions to link applied research with extracurricular university teaching and technical and professional intervention; b) The promotion of experiences of an unprecedented nature regarding programs for the involvement of society in the learning process, based on intersectoral, inter-institutional and multidisciplinary action; and c) The development by the work team of an intense and consolidated task of innovation and improvement of teaching quality, as a tool to enhance the appreciation of the social sciences and their results to society. In this way, the vocation of this device to generate the encounter between diverse points of view goes beyond the borders represented by regulated teachings and academic disciplines -even in areas of knowledge-, to also print an inter-institutional and inter-sectorial character on the developed transfer device. Thus, the initiative brings together participants from various universities, as well as from various social entities, work and training areas.

Finally, it must be said that all this allows contextualizing and developing the proposal within the framework of a university policy that, while guaranteeing the solidity and viability of the designed transfer device, forms the basis for research, transfer of results to society, internationalization, and scientific dissemination, with innovation and excellence in university teaching quality.

The Permanent Seminars and seminars-workshops implemented during the courses between the periods 2012 and 2020, with about 1.500 participants in total (including 200 professors and/or researchers in training), have allowed an adequate articulation and development of a specific plan of actions to link R&D research with university teaching, in-service training, and specialized technical and professional intervention.

Likewise, the combination of the critical analysis of social control, with the pedagogical and methodological approach in seminars and workshops, has had a positive impact on the consolidation of the transversal strategic axes and the work areas proposed by COPOLIS-Adalquí, as a basic research structure, quality university training and extension.

Undoubtedly, Permanent Seminars and Workshops are a powerful and effective tool, technically and institutionally tested, for the generation of spaces for the valuation and transfer of results in environments of collaboration, exchange, integration and advanced training between teachers, students and the technicians, professionals and referents of the collaborating administrations and social entities.







(Darrera actualització: 31/05/2021)