Ignasi Bernat





A.2.  Education:

PhD Criminology, University of Girona, Mapping the crimes of the powerful and the economic crisis in Spain. Crime, State and Power, 2020.

MSc Prevention and Safety, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2011

BA Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2005


B.1 Employment:

Associated Lecturer, University of Barcelona (September 2021- Present)

Post-doc Teaching Fellow in Criminology, University of Winchester (January 2020 – September 2021).

Strategic Planning Co-ordinator and Policy Researcher, Candidacy of Popular Unity, Barcelona (September 2017- January 2020).

Associate lecturer, National Distance University, Barcelona (September 2017 – January 2020).

Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology, University of Surrey (September 2016 – September 2017).

Associate Lecturer in Criminology, University of Girona (September 2013 – September 2016).

Visiting (sessional) lecturer, University of Girona (September 2010 – September 2013).


B.2 Funded research projects:

‘Criminalisation of political opposition in Catalonia’ (September 2017 – December 2018), Candidacy of Popular Unity.

‘The territorial dimension of control and social exclusion: the case of the collective “som 300” Barcelona’s Poblenou’, University of Barcelona, (February – October 2015).

‘The living conditions of immigrant youth and proposals for improvement in Salt, Girona’, University of Girona (February 2010 – May 2011).

‘The institutional treatment of togetherness and public space: towards a punitive management of social exclusion?’, University of Barcelona (February 2010 – May 2011).



C.1 Teaching experience:

I have been module leader and author of the following modules:

– Sociology (level 4), University of Barcelona

– Sociology of the Family (level 5), University of Barcelona

– Comparative Perspectives in International Policing (level 7), University of Winchester

– Comparative Criminal Justice (level 6), University of Winchester

– Theoretical Criminology (level 6), University of Winchester

– Victimology (level 5), University of Winchester

– Methods of Social Research (level 5), The Spanish National Distance University (UNED)

– Crime and Offending (level 7), University of Surrey

– Field Methods (level 7), University of Surrey

– Migration and the politics of identity (level 5), University of Surrey

– Making sense of everyday Life (level 5), University of Surrey

– Crime Policies (level 5), University of Girona

– The Sociology of Prison (level 5), University of Girona

– Comparative Criminology (level 6), University of Girona

– Applied Criminology (level 6), University of Girona

– Social and Educational Intervention (level 4), University of Girona

– Feminist criminology (level 6), University of Girona

– Immigration and Criminal Justice System (level 6), University of Girona



D.1 Publications:


Refereed Journal Articles

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2020) Postfascism in Spain: the struggle for Catalonia. Critical Sociology. Volume: 46 issue: 4-5, pages: 761-776.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2020) Spain must be defended. Explaining the criminalization of political dissent. State Crime Journal 9 (1): 100-117.

Bernat, I. (2020) Estado de excepción permanente en el sur de Europa. Clivatge 8: 24-88.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2019) State-corporate Crimes. The Handbook on White-collar Crime ed. Melissa Rorie. New Jersey: Wiley. pp. 127-138.

Bernat, I. (2018) The Permanent State of Exception in South Europe. The Oñati Socio-legal Series.

Volume 8 Number 6, 925-949.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2017) State-Corporate Crime and the Process of Capital Accumulation: mapping a global regime of permission from Galicia to Morecambe Bay. Critical Criminology: An International Journal Volume 25, Number 1, pp. 71-86.

Bernat, I. (2015) Entendiendo los desahucios: financiarización, poder corporativo y derechos mercantilizados (Understanding evictions: financialisation, corporate power and commodified rights). Sortuz: Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies. Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 57-72.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2017) Entendiendo los orígenes del crimen estatal corporativo: un análisis de los desastres del Prestige y Morecambe Bay (Understanding the origins of state-corporate crime: an analysis of the Prestige and Morecambe Bay disasters). Crítica Penal y Poder. Volume 9, pp. 255-278.

Bernat, I. (2014) Desahuciando inmigrantes: una etnografía en una comunidad dañada (Evicting immigrants: an ethnography in a damaged community). Crítica Penal y Poder. Volume 7, pp. 35-63.

Bernat, I. (2013) Desahucios en Salt: una cartografía del poder (Evictions in Salt: a cartography of power). Urbs. Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 141-144.


To be submitted:

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2022) The Invention of Violence in Postfascist Spain. Punishment and Society.



Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2018) (eds.) Building a New Catalonia: Self-Determination and Emancipation. Barcelona and Edinburgh: Pol-len and Bella Caledonia, pp345.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (eds.) (2019) El món ens mira: veus desobedients sobre la sobirania, Barcelona: Pol·len, pp345 (Catalan translation of Building a New Catalonia).

Vehí, M., Bernat, I., Peter, O. and Salellas, B., Amnistia. Barcelona: Tigre de Paper.


Parts of Books

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. (2021) Criminalization as a Strategy of Power: The Case of Catalonia 2017-2020. in: Veigh Weis, V. (eds.) The Criminalisation of Activism. Abington: Routledge

Bernat, I. (2018) The Crimes of the Powerful and the Spanish Crisis, in Bittle, S., Snider, L., Tombs, S. and Whyte, D. (eds.) Revisiting Crimes of the Powerful: Marxism, Crime and Deviance, Abington: Routledge.

Bernat, I. and Whyte, D. State-Corporate Crime (2019) Handbook of White-Collar Crime, New York: Wiley.

Jiménez, D., Bernat, I., Forero, A., Tombs, S. and Whyte, D. (2018) Financiarización y Criminología del Saqueo, in Maroto, M. and Marco, M.P. (eds.) Derecho Penal Económico y Derechos Humanos, Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Bernat, I, Jiménez, D. and Forero, A. Prólogo. Miedo y Saqueo en el Sur. (Fear and Looting in the South) Prologue to Tombs, S. and Whyte, D., La Empresa Criminal Por qué las corporaciones deben ser abolidas (Spanish translation of The Corporate Criminal. Why corporations must be abolished) Barcelona: Icaria.


Book reviews

Bernat, I. (2012) Reseña de Staeheli y Mitchell: The people’s property? (Book Review: The people’s property? by Staeheli and Mitchell). Athenea Digital Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 251-255.


  1. 2 Conference Papers

‘Decolonising the Crimes of the Powerful’ (Forthcoming) BSC, 2021.

‘Postfacism and the Catalan situation’ Queens Mary University, London, October, 2019.

‘Postfacism in Spain’ Historical Materialism Conference. Barcelona, May 2019.

‘Decolonising criminology. An epistemological approach.’ European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. Ljubljana, August 2018.

‘Decolonising the crimes of the powerful’. Law and Society Association, Mexico DF, June 2017.

‘State-corporate postcolonial crime, financialisation and market patriotism: the Agbar case’.  European Group for the study of Deviance and Social Control. Braga, September 2016.

‘The Permanent Crisis in Southern Europe as a State of Exception’. International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Workshop on: State of Exception, Law and Economy. Oñati, June, 2016

‘The Crimes of the Powerful and the Spanish Crisis’. Law and Society Association. Seattle, May 2015.

‘The Prestige oil spill: a State-Corporate Regime of Permission’ (with David Whyte). European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. Liverpool, September 2014.

‘Evicting Migrants and its Resistance’. Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa. Bergamo, May 2014.

‘Evictions as Postcolonial State-Corporate Crime’. Law and Society Association. Boston, May 2013.

‘Evictions as State-Corporate Crime’, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. Nicosia, September 2012.


D.3. Research networks:

– The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control,  Working Group Coordinator: “Fear and looting in the periphery: approaching global crime and harm in and from the south”.

– European Society of Criminology. Working Group Coordinator: Qualitative Research Methodologies and Epistemologies.

– Member of the Board of Sociologists and Political Scientists of Catalonia.


D.4 Research periods at international universities:

– University of Liverpool (15-6-2015/31-8-2015).

– University Erasmus of Rotterdam (15-6-2012/1-9-2012)

– City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (18-6-2011/8-9-2011).


D.4 Research periods at international universities:

-Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, University of Liverpool (15-6-2015-present).


D.5 Professional development:

– Researching Corporate Power. University of Liverpool. Summer School, 2019.

– Critical Muslim Studies: Decolonial Struggles and Liberation Theologies. Center of Study and Investigation for Decolonial Dialogues. Summer School, 2018.

– Decolonizing Knowledge and Power: Postcolonial Studies and Decolonial Horizons. Center of Study and Investigation for Decolonial Dialogues. Summer School, 2016.

– Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods in Criminology. University of Utrecht, Summer School 2013.