Isabel Nadal Amengual.
Graduate in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (2016), Master student in Anthropological Research and its Applications (UNED) and member of the Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands (OSIB-UIB) (since 2020).
She has participated to different research projects since 2014, both national and international. She has done research on mass surveillance, big data and people’s perception of privacy, security and risk (RESPECT Project), with Eticas. Research and Consulting; also in several projects of the Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS); and from 2017 to 2020 she participated in the research on the contribution to the SDGs by listed companies to the Spanish market, carried out by the Chair of Leadership and Democratic Governance at ESADE (Observatorio de los ODS). She is the author of l’Estudi sobre el risc de suïcidi en joves LGTB (2020) and co-author of TRANSitando hacia la inclusión laboral. Diagnosis on the reality of trans* people in the labor and educational field (2021), carried out for the Ben Amics Association (research projects funded by the Conselleria de Cultura, Participació i Esports de Balears). From the Observatori, she is co-author of Primers impactes de la COVID-19 a la societat de les Illes Balears (Carbonero i Abril, coords., 2020) and of Essencials, però sobrecarregades: impactes desiguals de la pandèmia en la vida de les dones a Balears (Carbonero y Thomàs, coords., 2021) and co-coordinator of Pràctiques d’innovació social transformadora per a la inclusió a les Illes Balears (2021), together with David Abril and Maria Antònia Carbonero. Her interests and lines of research move between the city, collective memory, social and alternative movements, resistance, gender and sexualities.