Dino Di Nella.
Associate Professor (Sociology and Sociology of Law) and researcher (Cat II of the Research Incentive Program) at the National University of Río Negro. Lawyer and community operator at the Universidad Nacional de la Plata. PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona. Master in Gender Equality Policies: Equal Opportunities Officer and Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Equality at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is a member of the Interuniversity Copolis Group “Well-being, Community and Social Control”, member of the Teaching Innovation Group CEFOCID-COPOLIS, attached to the University of Barcelona, and responsible for the Interuniversity Copolis Group at the National University of Rio Negro. He is currently under-director of the Centro de Investigación Jurídica Crítica (CIDerCrit, Universidad Nacional de la Plata), member of the Research-Action Group Copolis-*Adalquí, and co-coordinator of the Action Line on Social Control and Human Rights of the Inter-University Group “Copolis”. His research is developed in the areas of critique and alternatives of social control (critical theory of social control, critical law, memory and identity, peoples, self-determination and nations), coexistence groups and social change (comparative family policy, socio-legal analysis of the family, single parent), and childhood and youth (special protection guidelines for children, parental responsibility, juvenile justice). He has presented and disseminated several articles and publications on these topics in universities in Latin America and Europe. She is also a member of the International Thematic Network of Research on Single Parent Families (TIIFAMO Network).