Caterina Thomas Vanrell

Social sciences researcher, member of the research group Inequalities, Gender and Public Policies (UIB) and collaborator of the research group Education and Citizenship (UIB). My research interests focus on the field of social networks analysis and mixed methods as well as the sociology of work and international migration.

I have a PhD in Sociology from the University of Toulouse and in Inclusive Education from the UIB after obtaining a Master’s in Research in Applied Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Degree in Sociology at the same university. I have worked on several postdoctoral research projects: at the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD) on the subject of scientific cooperation on coffee genetic resources and at the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en

Sciences Sociales – Universitat Paris Dauphine in a research on the formal and informal personal support networks of old people.

Some publications :

Thomàs-Vanrell, C., Cerdà-Navarro, T., Salvà-Mut, F. 2020. «Les Baléares: quand le soutien relationnel favorise la poursuite des études en formation professionnelle de base», Formation Emploi, 2020/2, 150, p. 123-144.

Thomàs-Vanrell, C. 2018. «El acceso a la ocupación en contexto de migración intra-europea: recursos relacionales y formas de enfrentar la incertidumbre», Anuario IET Presente y futuro del trabajo, Vol. 5.

Thomàs-Vanrell, C. 2018. «Temporalités de l’évolution des relations et des réseaux en contexte de mobilité internationale», Temporalités [Online], 27.

Salvà-Mut, F., Thomàs-Vanrell, C., Quintana-Murci, E. 2015. ‘School-to-work transitions in times of crisis: The case of Spanish youth without qualifications’, Journal of Youth Studies.