Las Kellys Barcelona

Las Kellys is a Spanish association of chambermaids. The name “Las Kellys” comes from a popular play on words: “la Kelly, la que limpia” (the Kelly, the one who cleans); in this case, those who clean hotels. The Association is present in eight territories, these are the territorial groups of Las Kellys. In Catalonia the … Read more

Feminist general strike strengthens its networks and prepares to deepen the Social Agreement

The feminist movement of Euskal Herria carried out on December 1st an evaluation of the historic day of the previous day —the first general feminist strike— in which they have reiterated the demand to the Basque and Navarrese Government to open an intersectoral table and have explained that the process of organizing the strike has … Read more

Approaches to the spirit of time, a collection of essays on Valencian society

Coordinated by the essayist and editor Gustau Mu’oz and published by the Institution Alfons el Magnànim the book Approaches to the spirit of time, it compiles a series of reflections on the challenges of Valencian society: democracy, ecological crisis or national identities are some of the topics treated by authors such as Joan Romero, Ernest … Read more

Housing is the determining factor of social exclusion in the Balearic Islands

The Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands (OSIB) of the University of the Balearic Islands has published the study “Housing and residential exclusion in the Balearic Islands”. The publication addresses the current situation of access to housing in the Balearic Islands, focusing on residential exclusion. The study shows that housing has become the main determining … Read more

Care organization and gender. Disputes and debates in Chile – Catalina Arteaga – 6 November 2023

Catalina Arteaga Aguirre is an academic at the Department of Sociology of the University of Chile. Her lines of revolt are focused on the socio-historical analysis of gender; female labor, careers and families, from the gender approach, incorporating the intersectional perspective. She has also developed a line on neoliberalism and subjectivities. She conducts empirical research, … Read more

“Essencials”, a documentary about the importance of public health.

“Essencials” is a documentary that is woven from the experiences and visions of professionals, as well as activists for the right to health and the struggles that push social movements against privatization, precariousness and the dismantling of the public health system. You can watch it in this link   “Essencials” is a production of the … Read more

“Guerreras”, by visual artist Eleonora Ghioldi, curated by Andrea Beltramo.

  On May 2023 the photographic exhibition “Guerreras”, by visual artist Eleonora Ghioldi, curated by Andrea Beltramo, has been presented at the UIB campus as part of the projects of the Office of Cooperation, Development and Solidarity of the UIB, “XIX Call for grants for actions of education for social transformation – 2023 “. This … Read more