XV Spanish Congress of Sociology: Sociology for the Digital Society

From June 26 to 29, 2024 the XV Spanish Congress of Sociology took place in Seville under the slogan: #SociologíaParaLaSociedadDigital (#SociologyForTheDigitalSociety). The XV Spanish Congress of Sociology has reached the attendance figure of almost 1,600 people analyzing the necessary tools so that the digital society is not thrown into a world that is not real. … Read more

A group of researchers from the UPV/EHU has investigated the impact of the “Auzozaintza” program in Hernani.

In 2022, the popular initiative Hernani Burujabe launched the “Auzozaintza” program. The initiative was launched with the aim of helping elderly people who find themselves in a situation of “fragile, unchosen loneliness” and has already been extended to several neighborhoods in Hernani. The mayor, Xabier Lertxundi, has pointed out that the main objective of “auzozaintza” … Read more

LASA 2024: Reaction and Resistance: Imagining possible futures in the Americas

Last Wednesday, June 12, Màrius Domínguez i Amorós, Director of the Copolis Research Group “Well-being, Community and Social Control”, presented on the panel “Challenges and policies towards the care society” at the LASA 2024 Congress “Reaction and Resistance: Imagining possible futures in the Americas” (June 12 – 15, 2024, Bogota – Colombia). You can consult … Read more

III Workshop RESCUPAN – The social reorganization of care in Pandemic: Welfare, Community and Gender

The III Workshop RESCUPAN – The social reorganization of care in Pandemic: Welfare, Community and Gender, was held on May 30-31, 2024 at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Donostia, Euskal Herria. Project members from the teams of the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat de les Illes Balears, the Universitat de València and … Read more

23 Kg. Stories of women who sustain life

On April 21 took place a staging of a fiction that summarizes so many daily stories of dreams, hopes, life, dignity and livelihood. It is in this space in which different life stories of migrant women who have arrived in the Balearic Islands are intertwined that the theatrical piece “23 Kg. Stories of women who … Read more

Podcast General feminist strike: What now?

Continuing our February publication on the feminist strike, we share the recording of the round table on the subject, which took place in Kulturarteko Plaza Feminista, on March 16. You can listen to the podcast in Basque with Spanish subtitles here. Host and scriptwriter: Eli Pagola Guests: Tania Siriany (feminist and anti-racist activist from Gasteiz), … Read more

Residential exclusion and gender violence: an interrelationship to be taken into account

On March 31, a new report was published that collects the study on residential exclusion and gender violence in the Balearic Islands, carried out by the Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands of the University of the Balearic Islands (OSIB-UIB) and the Institute for Social Reinsertion Foundation (IRAS). This research, which has been funded by … Read more