“Guerreras”, by visual artist Eleonora Ghioldi, curated by Andrea Beltramo.

  On May 2023 the photographic exhibition “Guerreras”, by visual artist Eleonora Ghioldi, curated by Andrea Beltramo, has been presented at the UIB campus as part of the projects of the Office of Cooperation, Development and Solidarity of the UIB, “XIX Call for grants for actions of education for social transformation – 2023 “. This … Read more

“Zaintzak Erdigunera!” (“Care at the center!”)

This Saturday, May 13, will be held in Hernani the day “Zaintzak Erdigunera!” (“Care at the center!”), promoted by the working group on care, with the participation of several entities, including the research and feminist action cooperative Emagin, which has energized a process of reflection in the municipality of Gipuzkoa. Within the framework of the … Read more

Art, critical thinking and feminisms

Spring opened in Palma with the opening of a gap for critical thinking from feminisms around artistic practice and cultural production as devices for intervention in socio-political change. Between March 29 and April 14 we could enjoy Feminisms, the other inappropriate, the module dedicated to this issue in the training and research program of the … Read more

The gender impact of COVID-19 in data

We present the dossier “The gender impact of the COVID-19 in data” by the Observatory for Gender Equality, a body attached to the Catalan Institute of Women. This dossier consists of a compilation of statistical data that allow us to draw up an outline of the impact that this pandemic has had on women, in … Read more


We share the invitation and the program of the Information and Debate Conference “Care and Dependency: rebuilding the system” that will take place from April 19 to 27 in Bilbao. The conference will address the issue of care and dependency from different points of view: institutional, political, trade union, labor, social, family. The venues where … Read more

Art and reflection on care at IVAM

On April 19 ended the film series Household workers to the screen. This is an activity organized by the IVAM and the Valencian Film Archive in the framework of the exhibition In a House. Genealogy of housework and the cures of the illustrator Ana Penyas and the social researcher Alba Herrero. From the viewing of … Read more

Cuidar a mayores y dependientes en tiempos de la COVID-19 – a book by Dolors Comas and Silvia Bofill

The book “Cuidar a mayores y dependientes en tiempos de la COVID-19” recently published by the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house and written by the authors Dolors Comas and Silvia Bofill raises questions such as Why was care for the elderly and dependents relegated during the pandemic? or What happened in nursing homes so that … Read more

Women who sustain life

On 2 April, the short documentary CUIDANT-NOS premiered at Cineciutat, a small cinema in the city of Palma (Mallorca) that screens independent films in their original version. It is a work carried out by Andiara, a non-profit association in Mallorca that works on the basis of intersectional feminism, interculturality, equality, social inclusion, artistic expression and … Read more


Els equips de RESCUPAN presentaran els primeros resultats de l’investigació en diferents congressos nacionals i internacionals.    6th Transforming Care Conference a Sheffield. 26-28 de juny de 2023. The University of Sheffield, UK  8è Congrés Català Internacional de Sociologia “Construint Equitat i Futurs Sostenibles”. 12-14 de juliol de 2023. Universitat de Barcelona. IX REPS: Crisis … Read more