Housing is the determining factor of social exclusion in the Balearic Islands

The Social Observatory of the Balearic Islands (OSIB) of the University of the Balearic Islands has published the study “Housing and residential exclusion in the Balearic Islands”. The publication addresses the current situation of access to housing in the Balearic Islands, focusing on residential exclusion. The study shows that housing has become the main determining … Read more

VIII Catalan Congress of Sociology 12-14 july 2023

VIII Catalan Congress of Sociology “Construint Equitat i Futurs Sostenibles”. From July 12 to 14, 2023 the eighth edition of the Catalan Congress of Sociology was held in which the researchers of the RESCUPAN team were able to present the project. On the one hand, under the title “Reorganització social de la cura en pandèmia: … Read more

Care organization and gender. Disputes and debates in Chile – Catalina Arteaga – 6 November 2023

Catalina Arteaga Aguirre is an academic at the Department of Sociology of the University of Chile. Her lines of revolt are focused on the socio-historical analysis of gender; female labor, careers and families, from the gender approach, incorporating the intersectional perspective. She has also developed a line on neoliberalism and subjectivities. She conducts empirical research, … Read more

IX Congress of the Spanish Social Policy Network (REPS) 25-27 october 2023

IX Congress of the Spanish Social Policy Network (REPS) “Global crises and local impacts: trends and public-community responses for an eco-social transition”. From October 25 to 27, 2023, the RESCUPAN team was presenting the papers “Gender, care work and pandemic” and “Consequences of COVID-19 and unpaid care in the Spanish State: preliminary qualitative results” at … Read more


III Congresso Internacional do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG): Lisbon, from January 31 to February 2, 2024, at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP-ULisboa).. http://cieg.iscsp.ulisboa.pt/actividades-do-cieg/3-congresso-internacional VI Congreso Internacional Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades (CICFEM): Universitat de València, March 1-2, 2024. https://www.cicfem.com/inscripcion  XV Congrés Espanyol de Sociologia: Seville, June 26-29, 2024, at … Read more

“Essencials”, a documentary about the importance of public health.

“Essencials” is a documentary that is woven from the experiences and visions of professionals, as well as activists for the right to health and the struggles that push social movements against privatization, precariousness and the dismantling of the public health system. You can watch it in this link   “Essencials” is a production of the … Read more