Book Archivas FF: genealogical dialogues on memory, history and feminist archives

On Monday 04/03/24, at Deskomunal, was presented “Archivas FF: genealogical dialogues on memory, history and feminist archives”, a book that collects part of the research Feminist Threads on the history of contemporary Catalan feminisms. The event aimed to bring together informants and interviewees who contributed to the research to discuss memory, actions and feminist transformations … Read more

The “Kellys” want to retire earlier

News of INFORMACIÓN, by Rubén Míguez. That we have the room shiny and with the bed made, the bathroom spotless and with all the “amenities” replaced or the towels changed when we return to the hotel after spending a day at the beach or disconnecting in the mountains is thanks to the floor maids, those … Read more

Doctoral thesis – Care work: women’s narratives and trajectories about their experiences related to domestic and care work.

A thesis on the work of priests and migrations in Chile is presented at the Universitat de València. Its author Lorena Muñoz is a professor of Social Work at the Academy of Christian Humanism in Santiago de Chile. The thesis has been directed by Professor Sandra Obiol, member of the RESCUPAN research team. On February … Read more

Cine Violeta – Sants, Barcelona

Cine Violeta, held at La Lleialtat Santsenca, Barcelona, is a cycle to discover unknown or invisible women filmmakers and documentary filmmakers who have dealt with women’s issues and feminist perspective. After the screenings, there is a space for open discussion with the public. The quarterly program emphasizes 8M, International Women’s Day. On March 21, at … Read more

Intersectionality and denormalization of the gaze in the transformation and social action from critical transfeminism

On February 15 and 16 the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), through the University and Business Foundation (FUEIB), hosted a seminar aimed especially at activists and professionals in the social sector, although the general public was invited to participate. The seminar was a space to rethink, from a transfeminist perspective, the professional and/or activist … Read more

General feminist strike: What now?

On March 16, the Kulturarteko Plaza Feminista will host a round table on the feminist strike, with a live session of the video-podcast Gobara. The Kulturarteko Plaza Feminista is a space open to groups and agents working in the municipality of Hernani from interculturalism and feminism, as well as to people interested in these issues. … Read more

Las Kellys Barcelona

Las Kellys is a Spanish association of chambermaids. The name “Las Kellys” comes from a popular play on words: “la Kelly, la que limpia” (the Kelly, the one who cleans); in this case, those who clean hotels. The Association is present in eight territories, these are the territorial groups of Las Kellys. In Catalonia the … Read more

Feminist general strike strengthens its networks and prepares to deepen the Social Agreement

The feminist movement of Euskal Herria carried out on December 1st an evaluation of the historic day of the previous day —the first general feminist strike— in which they have reiterated the demand to the Basque and Navarrese Government to open an intersectoral table and have explained that the process of organizing the strike has … Read more

Approaches to the spirit of time, a collection of essays on Valencian society

Coordinated by the essayist and editor Gustau Mu’oz and published by the Institution Alfons el Magnànim the book Approaches to the spirit of time, it compiles a series of reflections on the challenges of Valencian society: democracy, ecological crisis or national identities are some of the topics treated by authors such as Joan Romero, Ernest … Read more