Care organization and gender. Disputes and debates in Chile – Catalina Arteaga – 6 November 2023

Catalina Arteaga Aguirre is an academic at the Department of Sociology of the University of Chile. Her lines of revolt are focused on the socio-historical analysis of gender; female labor, careers and families, from the gender approach, incorporating the intersectional perspective. She has also developed a line on neoliberalism and subjectivities. She conducts empirical research, mainly qualitative and in multidisciplinary teams. Currently coordinates the Network of revolt in intersectionality, gender and practices of resistance (Rediger-www.rediger.uchile) of the University of Chile and conducts research on the gender agenda and care in the experiences of the Constituents in the process of drafting the first Constitutional proposal.

On November 6th made a seminar for researchers and researchers in the framework of R & D RESCUPAN in which we could talk about the disputes and debates on the organization of the cures and gender from Chile. A talk of high interest for the thematic of the R & D that allowed us to see the reality of care in a comparative way.


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