A thesis on the work of priests and migrations in Chile is presented at the Universitat de València. Its author Lorena Muñoz is a professor of Social Work at the Academy of Christian Humanism in Santiago de Chile.
The thesis has been directed by Professor Sandra Obiol, member of the RESCUPAN research team.
On February 9 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Valencia was read the thesis “Care work: stories and trajectories of women about their experiences related to domestic and care work” prepared by Lorena Muñoz, professor of Social Work at the Academy of Christian Humanism in Santiago de Chile and directed by Sandra Obiol, professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
The thesis seeks to understand the situations of vulnerability and labor precariousness experienced by women who work as curators or in domestic work in Chile. The fundamentally qualitative research seeks to reveal personal, family, social and labor situations experienced by women in rural areas of northern and southern Chile, as well as those from other countries, which are related to socio-structural patterns that encourage migration to the capital, for the cure and domestic work.
The thesis received a grade of Excellent Cum laude awarded by a tribunal formed by the professor of the Universitat de Barcelona, Elisabet Almeda Samaranch, by the professor of the Univeristat de València, Joan Lacomba and by Mercedes Alcañiz, professor of the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.