VIII Catalan Congress of Sociology “Construint Equitat i Futurs Sostenibles”.
From July 12 to 14, 2023 the eighth edition of the Catalan Congress of Sociology was held in which the researchers of the RESCUPAN team were able to present the project. On the one hand, under the title “Reorganització social de la cura en pandèmia: benestar, comunitat i gènere” Carme Vivancos presented the project as a whole, making it known to the academic community and giving rise to debates with other researchers from other universities working on similar topics. Regarding the quantitative group, Leon Freude presented “La reorganització social de les cures en pandèmia: visions des de qüestionaris del CIS”, while Isabel Nadal presented the communication “Aproximació qualitativa a les conseqüències de la COVID-19 en la configuració de les cures no remunerades en l’Estat espanyol”. These were days of intense work and a lot of learning for the whole RESCUPAN team.