Portal “Apostilles on Social Control and Human Rights” ISSN 2718-6229


The Communication and Disclosure Area of ​​Copolis-Adalquí promotes the website “Apostilles on Social Control and Human Rights” (ISSN 2718-6229). It is a portal for journalistic, communicational and informative production, which aims to make compatible the intellectual property policies and the channels of dissemination of results usually required in the academic and scientific field (articles in indexed journals, specific agreements with specialized commercial publishers, texts teachers in university collections, among others), with its priority objectives of achieving greater access, dissemination and impact among the most vulnerable groups in society.

For this, “Apostilles on Social Control and Human Rights” decided to carry out its own production of content that could be massively disseminated, as well as the incorporation of stable columnists, and the reproduction of a careful selection of materials from other groups and authors that are conducive to the purposes of the editorial intention established for each of the selected priority themes.

Its content is a weekly update of a News Blog and an Informative Bulletin, a monthly update of its stable columnists, and eventually, in the production and / or participation in radio stations of different characteristics and periodicity. It has five priority thematic sections:

Environment and economy
Peoples, Nations and self-determination
Health and social protection
Use of public space
Housing and habitat


Editorial Policy and Copyright

Except for institutional productions, the intellectual property belongs to their authors. Patents, utility models, intellectual creations or any other type of rights derived from the activity carried out by the Website will be considered inventions that are governed by patent and intellectual property regulations. However, this site promotes and prioritizes a policy of disclosure of the results of its publications that tends towards open access and copyleft under creative commons license of its bibliographic and scientific production, except in cases of editorial commitments that prevent it.


“Apostilles of Social Control and Human Rights”

ISSN 2718-6229

Responsible Editors: Pablo Casals Smart and Dino Di Nella.

Adalquí Foundation

Legal, Social and Cultural Action

Saavedra, 81 – CP 8500 – Viedma



(Last Updated: 21/03/2021)