Nova publicació: Development Cooperation and Dependency. An Analysis of Brazilian-Spanish Cooperation in Latin-America Between 2010 and 2018

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Els membres de COPOLIS, Juan Carlos Palacios-Cívico e Irene Maestro Yarza, acaben de publicar l’article Development Cooperation and Dependency: An Analysis of Brazilian-Spanish Cooperation in LatinAmerica Between 2010 and 2018 a la revista Bulletin of Latin American Research. Podeu consultar … Continued

Nova publicació: Comparing experiences and perceptions of primary health care among LGBT and non-LGBT people: Key findings from Catalonia

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El membre de COPOLIS, Leon Freude, acaba de publicar amb les co-autores Montse Subirana (UB) i Jacqueline Gahagan (Mount Saint Vincent University, Canadà) l’article Comparing experiences and perceptions of primary health care among LGBT and non-LGBT people: Key findings from … Continued