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CLAUSTRA is an active platform, made for the scientific community and accessible online. It catalogues and maps spaces of medieval feminine spirituality. Claustra is born from the necessity of building a systematized, visual and interdisciplinary knowledge of the origins, development and transformations of these spaces. This platform is organized through the Atlas and the Catalogue.

The Atlas of the Peninsular Kingdoms is composed of maps related to a chronological bar between 1100 and 1545, with a periodicity of 25 years. These maps show the origin and evolution (settlement changes, order changes etc.) of the different spaces of feminine medieval spirituality in the Iberian Peninsula, from the existence of centers of recluses, beguines or independent or communal tertiaries to the medieval monastic orders or to those founded between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, closing, at the moment, with the beginning of the Council of Trent (1545). The religious entities that appear on the map allow access the corresponding file card of the catalogue.

The Catalogue of the Peninsular Kingdoms is made up of the file cards of the different spaces of feminine spirituality and offers a state of the art summary of the current knowledge of each of these communities, with links to the corresponding essays, thesis, archives, libraries etc. The catalogue allows different search criteria and also allows access to the maps of the Atlas.

The text files of the catalogue and the cartography of the maps are always open to consultation and the platform is, at the same time, an instrument of transference, projection and advance for ulterior investigations.

CLAUSTRA es un proyecto del IRCVM (Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals) de la Universitat de Barcelona.
CLAUSTRA ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 2008-2010 y 2011-2013 (HAR2008-02426, HAR2011-25127), el Institut Català de les Dones de la Generalitat de Catalunya 2010-2011 y las ayudas a las actividades de investigación de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universitat de Barcelona.