Collaborative approaches to the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples…

Title: Collaborative approaches to the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples: fostering cultural diversity and social cohesion in Ibero-America


This proposal is aimed to stablish a network of researchers from European and Ibero-American institutions for a long-term collaboration on indigenous people’s cultural heritage. The main objective of the collaboration is to elaborate and submit a proposal to the European Commission Programme Horizon 2020, within the topic “Collaborative approaches to cultural heritage for social cohesion”, to be opened in the 2018-2019 period. The topic of our proposal deals on how to provide the indigenous peoples of Ibero-America with inclusive access to cultural heritage experiences by enhancing participatory and collaborative approaches. The collaborative award activities include A) academic mobility for the exchange of researchers and postgraduate students, and the holding of 2 meetings, a starting planning meeting and final seminar, and B) the dissemination of scientific results by publishing 2 dossiers in high-level academic journals.

Researchers: Pedro Pitarch (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM), Gemma Orobitg (Universitat de Barcelona, UB), José Alejos García (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM), Renato Stutzman, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (USP), Pablo Wright (Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA)

Founded by: Unión Interamericana de Universidades (UIU)

Founds:13.500 euros

Periode: October, 2017 – October, 2018